Futurists try out less-boring, funnier Singularities


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We can assemble a human being out of dead parts and make it come ALIVE! Bad idea, Igor. Now go play with your marbles. But master I have lost my marbles. Oh, well.

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I continue to love the Singularity. Have you ever used a 10-year-old computer? Good. Now upload your mind to a 1,000 year old computer. And it’s running Windows Infinity. Now you are immortal, until divide by zero. We will all be abandonware in the next life.

The symbol of the singularity should be a unicorn. Unicorns also get talked about a lot, and also don’t exist.

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The BoingBoingularity:

When the universe is reduced to nothing but a loop of cross-referencing blog entries sometimes persisting and sometimes disappearing. The content of each post being the same video of a group of long lost editors discussing dropping comments.

The Doctorowularity:

The universe reduced to a series of gothic hallways connected by ascending and descending stretch elevators with ominous but corny narration. Some hallways end in queues awaiting turns at dark rides with gondolas that direct your attention by swinging around to point in different directions at displays of consumer goods from various pasts and futures each introduced by an animatronic president speaking with the voice of Walt Disney.


Isn’t “The Duolarity” just what we usually call ‘the present’?

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Ahahahaha. ‘Tribbles that you pay for’. Aahahaha hooo-oo my sides…

I’m pretty sure “The Wankularity” is also “the present,” except that it is ALWAYS the present, no matter what the date or socio-economic status of the world.


[quote=“timquinn, post:5, topic:12483”]
The BoingBoingularity:

When the universe is reduced to nothing but a loop of cross-referencing blog entries sometimes persisting and sometimes disappearing. The content of each post being the same video of a group of long lost editors discussing dropping comments.[/quote]

It also somehow inexplicably involves bananas that you can’t help just looking at.


A big problem with serious futurism is that the vast majority of people think in lolz. Oh lolz, I can make fun of this idea, therefore it is wrong.

And indeed, because the singularity probably won’t happen for another half century, there will be plenty more lolz to be had along the way. Enjoy, guys.

Singularity to-morrow and singularity yesterday – but never singularity to-day


Any singularity that does happen won’t be what we are expecting. Personally I’m hoping for a benign outside context problem - one that doesn’t come with oppression and disease anyway…

I’m looking forward to the Infomercularity… (aka Awesomularity)
Self-learning AI taps into the vast library of Billy May’s information packed presentations – the intensity of the data feed causes an overload which creates a Max-Headroom-esque Billy Mays intelligence that benevolently rules over an era of unprecedented cleanliness and efficiency.

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