Game Informer magazine closes, with all staff losing their jobs and the website wiped

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We have that exact air purifier for smokey days. Liked it so much we bought one for my son up in OR when their fires were awful. It works well, is silent on the lower settings and clears the air quickly if you crank it up.

Sucks about GI, not that I recall reading, well, anything there tbh…

I get my mac gaming news from small dust motes and Ghibli spirits (and bought a PC a couple years ago for the titles I can’t get otherwise… RTX3080 still kicking @$$, but the water cooler shat the bed recently and had to rework a few components)

In the future, all computer games will be written, programmed, arted and voiced by AI. They will be reviewed by AI. AIs will play them in tournaments and humans will watch.

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… can I get an AI to watch for me :thinking:

No details, only fluff. And all the existing URLs at the website redirect to the message.

I just want to put in a plug for supporting the wayback machine here. I’m a small but regular donor myself. If the party that shall remain nameless takes over next year, expect things to disappear from EPA, NASA, NOAA, etc. websites.
To paraphrase D. Bowie, “It’s no Gaaaaaaamestop”


operated by struggling retailer GameStop as a marketing vehicle

This part always felt a little weird to me. I can remember back in the early 2000’s often being offered a Game Informer subscription when buying things at a GameStop… I think they finally got me into one for a year by giving me some sort of discount on whatever it was I was buying. It felt to me like the GameStop employees were required to push magazine subscriptions.

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They were. Along with the product production crap.


Put everything on the internet, they said. The internet is 4-EVA, they said… No need to EVER have anything in physical form, they said…


While our presses may stop, the passion for gaming that we’ve cultivated together will continue to live on.

Not after wiping the entire website, it won’t, you twit.


I had a subscription back in the 90’s thanks to its promotion at Funcoland. I think it came with a membership. GameStop stopped promoting it a long time ago. It’s always sad to see a long-standing print publication go, despite the fact that I thought they were gone for a while already.

Game Stopped


I’m not from the US, but man having a game magazine was fun in the early naughties. It was hard to find other kids interested in games, or curated info about games, otherwise. The one I read (Power Unlimited in NL) had their 30th anniversary somewhat recently and it’s no secret that they have to run a lean, tight ship to stay afloat these days. I bought the anniversary edition that came with a full archive on a USB stick, and had some fun nostalgically leafing through old issues. It really sucks when one just shuts down and is immediately erased like happened here, makes you feel like nobody cared at all.

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