Gaming Company Drops Streamer for Calling Men Trash, Says It's 'Extremism'



See, this is what I was talking about. Something is so wrong with “videogamer” culture. I was thinking it’s kinda like this skit… which I love…

How do I get through to you boys that football isn’t about rape?

It’s about violently dominating anyone that stands between you and what you want.

You gotta get yourself into the mindset that you are gods, and you are entitled to this!

The other team ain’t just going to just lay down and give it to you! You’ve got to go out there and take it!

… which brings me to violent, competitive videogames where you play as gods.

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Every time someone says “men are trash”, a vast wave of men set forth to prove them right.

I don’t think you can blame rape culture on Black and White or From Dust. Dominions, maybe.


If I say nothing I agree.
If I say “Would you want someone to say the same thing about people like you?” I’m “proving them right.”
I’ll settle for “Not helping.”

Are you responding to what I said?

Then no, no you’re not, unless you’re posting people’s personal details online and sending them death threats.

You always have to explain “punching down” in these scenarios, why it’s OK for those with less power to criticize those with more power, but not vice-versa. You get a chorus of “it’s not fair to say mean things about anyone!”

(and then those people say “I don’t feel like I have power, therefore you’re wrong.”)

I honestly still don’t feel like … geez… easily 75% of men and white people… really understand any of that.

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Since @tinoesroho (I think?) brought it up, how many of the 2014 top selling videogames could be described as

It’s about violently dominating anyone that stands between you and what you want.

You gotta get yourself into the mindset that you are gods, and you are entitled to this!

The other team ain’t just going to just lay down and give it to you! You’ve got to go out there and take it!


  • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare :white_check_mark:
  • Madden NFL 15 :white_check_mark:
  • Destiny :white_check_mark:
  • Grand Theft Auto 5 :white_check_mark:
  • Minecraft
  • Super Smash Bros (for 3DS and Wii U)
  • NBA 2K15 :white_check_mark:
  • Watch Dogs :white_check_mark:
  • FIFA 15 :white_check_mark:
  • Call of Duty Ghosts :white_check_mark:

I count 8/10 of 2014’s top selling video games meeting the quoted criteria. And honestly Smash Bros is a bit marginal in terms of being a cartoony, but pretty aggro, fighting game.

“Not helping” is why Men Are Trash.
Until the Not Trash Men put a stop to the Trash Men and Trash Men Culture, we are all indeed trash.


Ironically, the Smash community is probably the least toxic of all the game communities listed. We have players like SonicFox who gladly flaunt their LGBTQ identities, players like Leffen who welcome and mentor new players, and entire grassroots tournament circuits who take no shit from toxic gamers.

It isn’t Gaming Culture that is toxic, but Male Culture.

I’ve written at length about how the alt-right patriarchy uses games and fandoms as recruiting grounds and as a place to enforce the alt-right patriarchy. There’s nothing really special about the alt-right or even new.

The high levels of harassment women face online or off don’t give a shit about whether you, Jeff Atwood, blame games or comics. The real problem is capital M Men who participate in and identify with Male Culture.


Fundamentally disagree. If a man is trying hard to improve things (including gaming or others cultures of which he is a member and/or has some ability to change), then he is not “trash” just because he hasn’t fully succeeded.

“One day we may succeed; until then we are indeed trash.” Nope. Speak for yourself.

Edit: I am all for privileged people (e.g., white males) being aware of their privilege and taking appropriate actions. I just don’t think it’s helpful, or healthy, to internalize the narrative, “I am trash. I am trash. I am trash.”


You are utterly blind if you think it isn’t both.

I would argue that it is a particular “the porridge was just right” intersection of these two things that cause an exponential ramp, but I never said men were not a factor. You made that up on your own.

It’s about violently dominating anyone that stands between you and what you want.

You gotta get yourself into the mindset that you are gods, and you are entitled to this!

The other team ain’t just going to just lay down and give it to you! You’ve got to go out there and take it!

As indicated, that accurately describes 8 out of 10 of the top selling video games in 2014. If you find that fact upsetting, maybe ask yourself why that is?

And even Smash isn’t looking so hot, my friend

This conversation is starting to sound like an argument for censorship of video games like the comics code, PMRC, etc (yeah I know games have ratings too). I thought we’ve shown over the years that a kid that reads a violent comic or plays a video game is not more likely to be violent themselves.

There’s a serious toxic masculinity problem in the culture right now and the gamer gate assholes that are threatening and doxxing people are horrifying. But are we really going down the road of blaming the games for that? There’s a ton of women (and non asshole men) who play these fighting games too.

I’m not a gamer at all. Don’t even have a system newer than an NES. But just remarking that this thread is starting to sound like a blame the art conversation we’ve seen over and over through the decades…


We get it. Video games are bad. Gamers and gaming communities are toxic. You can stop sea ottering these gaming threads now.


Not All Videogames, ficus.

I mean I am not seeing people make death threats at competitive Stardew Valley tournaments.

If you think only wholesome games don’t have toxic elements, don’t Google “stardew valley rule 34” with SafeSearch enabled. But once again this isn’t unique to video games. Movies, TV, books, music, comics, toys, and so on - even the most wholesome seeming things like MLP have incredibly dark fandoms lurking in the fringes. It’s just how it goes - awful people are going to be awful.


Not true. To the extent that videogames skew competitive, aggro, and violent, they will act as massive amplifiers of those tendencies. It’s like alcohol — my dad was a fine person until he drank heavily. Heck even as a light drinker he probably would have been OK.

I find it amusing that tino was all like “Smash is probably the least toxic game community out there” when a quick Google search reveals the Smash community is hella toxic. (Seriously, google it yourself, don’t take my word for it.) If that’s the “least” toxic game community then we have huge problems. But you knew that already, didn’t you?

Smash is aggro, violent, competitive… dominate your opponent and destroy them. It is that type of game.

Whoever it was that brought up the 2014 top selling games list, you were right to the point that you have completely changed my mind on this — they are almost all in that category. We need a world of a whole lot more Minecraft and Slime Rancher and Stardew Valley and less of … well, the best selling games of 2014.



Just because someone has found a way to debase something wholesome doesn’t mean that it was never wholesome to begin with.


The problem is not games. The problem is capital-m Men who tie their entire self worth to ballistic penis replacements, or to their Star Wars obsession, to their “right” to women, or to their taste in music, or to their taste in animation, or games. Do you honestly think that the problem is games? I have news for you: men have been trash long before video games were a thing.