Gardening, Part 2

image_13328-Sheba-ancient myrrh
Morphological features of Sheba at different ages: (a) ancient seed prior to planting; (b) developing seed at 5 weeks showing epicotyl and developing cotyledons covered by seed coat; (c) seedling, 6 months; (d) peeling bark, 12 years; (e) leaves showing fine hairs, 12 years; (f) mature tree, 12 years. Image credit: Guy Eisner / Elaine Solowey / Sallon et al., doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-06721-5.

The woman King Hatshepsut sent an expedition to Punt, an African nation on the Red Sea.

We’re not exactly sure where Punt was located,* and neither were the Egyptians in Hatshepsut’s time! Trade with Punt had last been conducted centuries before her birth, so many old maps and records were consulted as the ships were built.

Myrrh trees were among the exotic goods and animals whom they brought back.

Myrrh oil has an interesting, earthy, rather coffee-ish scent. It’s also quite good for sore muscles - it warms a bit as it’s massaged into the skin.

*We do have a better idea now than we’d ever previously had: