General Gaming Chit-Chat and Tea-Time

The only winning move is to not play.


Couldn’t speak to The Witcher, haven’t played any of them.

I’d say give New Vegas some time. Lotsa good characters in them, takes quite a while to meet all the good ones. Game controls are essentially same as Fallout 3, but with a couple refinements. I used a ton of V.A.T.S. the first time I played through. I try a little more iron sights in my current playthrough, just to try to make it a tad harder. V.A.T.S. made the game pretty easy for Deadeye Donald, the Worst Shot West of the Pecos.


I really enjoyed The Witcher 2. The writing is quite good. I loved FO:NV, but I can see what you mean about it seeming wooden after playing one of the Witcher series.

I gave DOTA 2 another go, and played another few tutorial online matches. In the last one I played, someone was helpfully giving tips and advice for new players. And yet, within the first five minutes, he and a few other players were insulting me for my incompetence. Arguably, they were doing me a favor by making it very clear that I shouldn’t play that game. There’s a strong expectation of dedicated competitiveness; there doesn’t seem to be an option to play casually.


I played fair bit of LoL and a little bit of DOTA2 with longtime friends. The people who were casual and nonchalant were quickly shunned by the competitive ones. I never did develop a solo-mid game, let along jungling.

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Hey @Donald_Petersen - person of the absolute best stories - did you play LA Noire?

I did! Kinda loved it. Wish they’d make a sequel, but I don’t know if it was profitable enough.

The concept and art direction were fantastic, the gameplay execution less so.

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Yeah, the world was vivid and the drama was real, but the gameplay was a bit of a chore. More specifically, as a man of Hollywood and its lore, how did you find the setting?

Loved it. First thing I did was head to my old address in Hollywood on Orchid, right behind the Chinese Theater (from before they built the Hollywood & Highland megaplex that obliterated half my old street), just to see if my 1920s-vintage apartment building was in the game. It wasn’t, which was actually surprising as well as disappointing, since they got so much of the detail appearances right.

I showed the game to my then-82-year-old mother, who first moved to L.A. from St Louis in 1948. She said it was exactly how she remembered it, and expressed interest in obtaining an Xbox of her own just so she could play L.A. Noire.

Even though it makes the game much more of a chore, I frequently opted to drive across town to the next crime location rather than fast-travel, just to listen to the radio and marvel at all the many things they got right (including the sluggish performance and handling of many of the old vehicles). Think I might spend an hour doing just that tonight.


One week when I was feeling quite silly I replied to all chat in my games with:


I did something like that in a Battle Royale lobby the other night. The server switched from day to night abruptly, so I got the whole server chanting over comms “WHY IS IT NIGHT TIME?” The dev PlayerUnknown actually dropped by because a couple of streamers complained about the night environment on a daytime server.


Has anyone played The Long Dark? If so, whats your record for staying alive? :slight_smile:

The Come Fly With Me quest was pretty cute. First fun moment.

If you’re playing the GOTY edition with all the DLC included, you’ll probably really enjoy the Old World Blues add-on. It has a delightfully cracked sense of humor that relies heavily on a 1950s scifi/horror vibe. I mean, even more so than vanilla Fallout. Talking brains in jars and that sort of thing.

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other than curse you steam sale…
So why is 13 year old hah hah my name is Wang, ancient chinese secret, etc humor in Shadow Warrior amusing to me but the fratbro humor in Duke Nukem just kinda lame. Possibly cause Lo Wang is making fun of himself a bit where as Duke is just a dude bro…
Anyway I never got about to buying a copy of the original Shadow Warrior way back when so I am playing through it now and it is quite fun.

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I bought Half Life 2 in 2002 and recently found the box. I emailed Steam with the key to revive the account and still haven’t had a response.

Continuing the discussion from Girls care more about playing as girls than boys do about playing as girls:

I think I need a new term for games like The Witcher. In many ways it feels closer to the Batman Arkham games and Shadow of Mordor than it does to a proper RPG like Skyrim. More of a role-inhabiting game than role-playing.

This quote kinda touches on my feels on the subject

Don’t get me wrong, I have fun with them all, and have put 200+ hours into each of the series (viz., witchers, arkhams, TES). But the experience is qualitatively different for me - in The Witcher I’m unlocking new scenes to watch someone else play an established role.


Anyone here want to play Portal 2 co-op?

(Later, obvs. I’m up way too late.)

I recently bought The Orange Box - Half Life 2, Episodes 1 and 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal - all for 5 euros (and not even on sale). I actually just finished HL2 this morning. One thing I noticed was that I found it much more difficult 15 years ago; I didn’t remember the puzzles this time, but there were only about four times when I got a bit stuck and didn’t know what to do next.

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Heh, if you’re okay with me sucking really hard with basic things like moving and looking around and aiming, I’ll play with you.


I need to give it another try too. I bought it for myself years ago as a reward for assembling a pc from components for the first time. The graphics were fun.

The puzzles are the part of fps games that I sometimes relate to least. My day job felt stressful, so the game’s richer story was a (dissociative) relief.