General Moderation Topic

User Lamia has been asked not to return.

Nearly every post made here was at odds with the community in some way, almost exclusively in community topics, and almost exclusively by searching for older posts, finding some edge case to comment on, then derailing those posts as a result.

I had asked them privately to either ensure their comments were on-topic for the post itself, or to start a new topic if necessary, but as has been a recurring theme with several past members here, from their actions, they were clearly more interested in derailment and the attention inflammatory statements would make, than in actually having productive discourse.

To be clear: we will protect your choice to have an opinion that differs from a perceived consensus here. But when literally every post you make is the dissenting opinion, and the vast majority of your posts are necroposts in a topic to re-ignite old issues, that’s no longer about being a productive member of a community.