General Moderation Topic

Yeah, they were not being cool in all sorts of ways. It just seemed strange that IQ might be under the heading of “mental state”.


It’s not necessarily “mental state” it’s making assumptions about others… it’s also, as I said insulting, so flag away! Ain’t nobody got time for that nonsense.


I can think of 1099 reasons to flag this legend.


I would presume that account only still exists because the mods have not yet seen it.


The whole concept of “IQ” is, for lack of a better word, crap. Whether it’s talking about high IQs or low IQs, comments that revolve around the idea of IQ are not worth the paper they’re printed on.


He’s gone full Qanon by now.


User mindysan33 has been given a brief timeout for directly attacking other users. If you have a problem with something someone says, flag it. Don’t tell off other users. There’s no situation in which Boing Boing is going to support a forum where that takes place.


User dazz has been given a timeout for borderline-eugenics cheerleading around covid-19. The pandemic is a humanitarian crisis, and a worldwide generator of sorrow and pain. Touting it as a wonderous form of population control is ignorant at best, extremely offensive at worst.


Given the populations that are suffering the most from this, we can change “at worst” from offensive to genocidal.


User splashd has been banned for attempting to defend equating mask policies with nazism, reactions to such statements as “cancel culture” and the promotion of “hatred and bigotry,” and opposition to such equivocations as “bad civics.”


User JonS has been asked not to return after attempting to derail multiple topics by pointing out their disappointment with both the quality of the initial post and of those responding - a point they have made on and off for years now.

We hope that solving the issue by removing them from the forum will help to.provide some closure and remove what was, apparently, a multiyear blight upon their daily routine.


Okay, so this is a new feature to me:

Which is interesting, I’m not sure exactly how is supposed to work, but in this case I also strongly believe a mischaracterization of the post in question.

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Please explain to me how:

LOL. Jesus Christ, I’d have given massive amounts of money to see her use shuriken in the riot.

Fits with our policy of not encouraging violence? Or do you mean it should be allowed because it’s “clearly a joke”, the argument lots of folks online use to justify posting what they do?


The clear point, to me, is that they are ineffectual ninja-cosplay toys, so she would have looked ridiculous, and like the frequent “numchucks”-wielder videos often posted here, would have likely been only a danger to herself. Even in highly trained hands historians struggle to understand what they could possibly have been meant to accomplish.

I feel like otherwise are we saying that Mister44 is actually wishing that she had used her real-life ninja skills to slaughter scores of Capitol police, but did a poor job of phrasing that desire.

One of the great bits about “Don’t encourage violence” as a rule, is I don’t need to care if it’s cosplay violence or not. We’d appreciate folks not encouraging folks to throw things at each other. It’s really that simple.


How does this apply to the depictions of guillotines so popular hereabouts?

Asking for a citizen.


Are you asking why a depiction of a thing isn’t the same as a request to offer to pay someone to use that thing on someone else?

Like, seriously, how is this difficult to understand?


I understand, and I agree with your logic, but we have seen concerned folk decry any guillotine reference as encouraging violence. I wanted to know if I was on shaky ground or not. Thanks for your reply.


From my perspective:

Using images of the guillotine is generally meant as a warning against ignoring the past at our own peril; no one actually wants to see that particular “trend” make a comeback (at least, I hope no one wants that.)

It’s different than saying someone specific ‘should be beheaded’ or something to that effect.


If the guillotine is a metaphor for “The ruling class getting its’ comeuppance”, then I mean, that is what it is. If someone says “Oh, they brought a guillotine! I’d have paid anything to see them use that during the riot!” Then yeah, that’s not going to fly.