"Generation Gap": Which Era Do YOU Fall Into?

Well, 80% of the time that statement isn’t, at least.


And when we try to figure out how far away the bridge is, we all range a span.


But not all taxonomy is controversial.


but are controversies taxonomic?


From the anti-GMO crowd:

Read my lips: No new taxonomy!


There have been a ton of steady changes in mass media types and availability (silent movies -> talkies -> radio -> TV -> hyper-saturated cable channel -> the Internet of desktop computers -> the Internet of phones, and probably things I’m not thinking of), and I do think that is one thing that different generations are affected by (the Medium is the Message). The little chart with the ‘1975-1985 Rise of Mass Media’ is a confused way to refer to trends in media, it’d be more interesting I think to break out political/media/technology/music categories over time for each various generation.

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Welcome to BoingBoing, stick around a while before insulting people it’s only fair!

Also not everyone reads every comment in every thread. Links are good. :slight_smile:

Have fun at work!


I know that I’m eavesdropping here, but I had the opposite experience a couple of years ago. Some of my high school students, who believe all think post-WWII people are dead, balked when I told them I was a boomer (53 this year). It was very sweet.


Pshaw, useful idiots are the best! I’M THE ONE HARVESTING THE DATA, GENiUS!

What generation gap we all rejected 3d movies.


Admitedly at different points but still.

As @nemomen inferred, Cruz? ewww!
Rubio would probably always consume his entire supply before his first customer showed up…


Yeah, I didn’t get that either. I was SO the MTV generation.


The one nice thing I can say about Ted is that he is helping me learn more Photoshop things.


I[quote=“monkeyoh, post:73, topic:75475”]
I don’t see where anyone is being a flaming troll beast.

I didn’t say that, nor did I mean to imply that anyone here is; again I was referring to my own past experiences on other sites.

I thought I was asking a “benign” first question that might get an adequate amount of replies; and in my experience most people enjoy talking about themselves.

Little did I know that some people would take it as some sort of attempt to “data mine” them.

Oh well, live and learn.


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Again, I didn’t insult anyone here.

I am, however, a bit baffled by all the automatically defensive responses I’ve gotten, as if some people have a guilty conscience or something…

But just like everything else on the net, I’ll take it with a big grain of salt.

Lastly, please let me assure you and anyone else who cares enough to read this comment:

If I ever do deign to insult or disrespect anyone on this site,

A) It will only be because someone came at me sideways first and

B) There will be absolutely no doubt that I’m doing it; I don’t sugar coat my words or ‘pull my punches’.

Oh yeah; and I frequently use gifs and memes to make my points, so if I post something that other members don’t understand, asking me instead of just assuming works wonders.

Thanks again for all the invaluable insight you’ve provided.

Have a nice night.

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So noted.


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You don’t “love” me yet; but just wait.




You’re not ‘eavesdropping’; it’s a public post.

Not what I’m seeing.