Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/07/25/gentleman-shoplifts-a-drink-ri.html
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Um, Roger That!
I assumed that asking about a job was a cover the theft. You know to make walking into the store and not buying anything less suspicious.
Things i’ve experienced first hand. Someone filling out a job app before shoplifting, and someone applying for a store credit card before shoplifting. I also have a story of a pregnant shoplifter fleeing from the store after getting caught with her friend, and then coming back with fake receipts to prove she wasn’t shoplifting.
People are smart.
Best interview was with a drunk applying for a Bartender position, he really gave it his all.
I don’t understand. How could the manager know he was stealing, unless he was closely watching the monitors? And yet the thief is white.
How is it legal to record sound along with CCTV? Christ, what an awful place to work.
Arizona has “one party consent” to recording, so if the employees are informed of it ahead of time, and their consent is required for the job, it’s legal.
When he leaned up against the counter and asked for a job, you could clearly see the outline of the can through his t-shirt.
To really sell it, he should have said his specialty was loss prevention.
So…someone else bought that bottle later?
By spending about 7 bucks on one of these.
I loved that lady’s laugh at the end.
Did the guy put the can back on the shelf even though it had been down someone’s pants?
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