Originally published at: German tourists topple $200,000 Italian statue, flee the country | Boing Boing
TikTok challenges are getting out of hand.
So, in the Eurozone both Italy and Germany are members. How do Euro countries deal with this kind of thing? Could the Italian owners of the statue effectively sue the German idiot influencers in civil court?
It depends on the severity of the crime and the level of punishment in Italy. If the narcissistic little scrote who did the damage could face imprisonment for 12 months or more, then the Italian authorities can issue a European Arrest Warrant which Germany is obliged to obey:
Euronews reports that one of the tourists "may have been the well-known influencer Janis Danner
Words I never need to hear again:
- Influencer
- Elevated
- Curated
Do the Germans have some cool agglutinate mega-word for an influencer nonpology so transparently insincere that it leaves the injured party angrier than they were before they received it?
If not I suspect the opportunity to coin one is coming right up.
… “curation” is a fancy word for shopping, right?
I guess I always assumed things like that were bolted to the ground. But that’s from a lifetime of living in earthquake country.
What absolute dipshits.
Not yet. Working on it.
No, it means “things I am paid to promote”.
So is there a picture of the statue?
Yes, quite easily.
These cazzi tedeschi have no protection here in Germany. No legal protection, and officials would be all to eager to deliver these selbstgefällige Arschlöcher to Italian authorities. Italy is a popular tourist destination and good relations are important. And it fits in with the general distaste for influencers that I see.
Just googled him to see whether he mentioned anything on his Instagram. He doesn’t, of course. But the email address in his profile is janis@influencing101.com. What a colossal a-hole.
Who are the 2 million people who are subscribed to his feed? Who looks at that stuff?
That sort of thing is a terrible disgrace and gives us Germans a bad name abroad. Valuable works of art should be treated with utmost respect and any damage to them should be prevented if at all possible.
Having said that, fleeing the country is a stupid move. What one should really do in such a situation is apologise profusely and immediately call one’s personal liability insurance provider.
Or indeed one’s business’s liability insurance, considering this influencer BS is all business
This is why we can’t have nice things
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