Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/15/getting-groceries-during-covid.html
I love cooking and used to like shopping for groceries. Now it’s a major ordeal. The worst part is when you get home and have to decontaminate everything. I wash every orange, every banana, every leaf of lettuce, every can, discard all the unwashable packaging and repack everything. It’s fucking nuts and annoying. I hate it now. I do a more thorough version of this process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=sjDuwc9KBps&feature=emb_logo
It’s always been The Hero’s Journey.
I think the cart wins every time.
It’ll probably outlast most of us here.
Do whatever you feel is right to keep yourself and others safe, but that video’s been taken to task for being well-intentioned but either misleading or incorrect (washing veges in detergent in particular can actually make you sick). A food microbiologist, an infectious diseases expert, and a virologist gave their advice on the topic here, and it’s less full-on.
Nothing wrong with choosing to err on the side of caution tho.
I was afraid in Challenges and Temptations I’d see: “Drink the hand sanitizer? It’s so close, and the liquor store is so far away.” *
**Also, don’t drink the hand sanitizer. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/24/well/live/dont-drink-the-hand-sanitizer.html
They are back, sort of. Not as prolific as they were before whatever went wrong with YouTube, but a couple of new videos every couple of weeks.
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