Thanks, Maggie, for the interesting and cogent article, one of the best I’ve read on GMOs. For a bit of a laugh, or perhaps a cry, have a look at the New Yorker article linked from this one about the civility of a lecture and debate between a pro-GMO scientist and the anti-GMO writer Michael Pollan in Pollan’s UC Berkeley classroom. And then read the vitriolic comments on that New Yorker article. The irony is seemingly lost on those folks.
Another useful perspective on this topic from the Guardian:
Anti-GMO activism is now being fueled by the internet conspiracy theory subculture. Lurid stories are carried on sites pushing anti-vaccine stories and the link of GMOs to autism, as well as the usual gold coins and survivalism advertisements. These sites are never more than one mouse click away from stories about HAARP and “chemtrails” and the Illuminauti New World Order.
Increasingly GMO critics talk about the damage done to their lives by wholly imaginary GMO products including “terminator seeds,” GMO apples, and GMO wheat, which they believe has poisoned them.
A couple years ago I saw a web site that would find the best correlation of your data set and some other (usually unrelated) data set, such as the variable luminosity of some star would correlate perfectly with the New England cod catch in the 1890s.
Anybody else remember that site?
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