Going to be quiet for a while, busy rewriting the planet

Thanks! Honestly most of the work has been making it comprehensible to people outside of a 1:1 conversation (which is different for everyone) so you grokking it right off is a huge plus. :slight_smile:

Interesting timing! I JUST got my baby startup kicked off (We’re going to have a booth at PAX in March!) and was in the process of deciding how I wanted to focus efforts for seed #2. I wouldn’t mind a fresh set of neurons on things if you’re interested!

Right now I’m waffling between

  • Creating a new completely independent seed company
  • Creating something that lynchpins with the current startup’s growth plans well (they make robots and one of the two co-founders (Amie) has a huge cosplay+etc following so it’d be a Nerdtopia type approach during phase 2)
  • Doing something to engage the ‘save the world’ crowd (Finally have an approach that should work…those guys have always been one of the biggest sources of energy and frustration…the psychology took some figuring out)
  • Something entirely different (yes, a grab-bag, but things are super flexible right now)

Meanwhile, the robot-making seed is also about to expand, and the’re diving into a HUGE soft spot in the consumer market that has tons of flexibility, so there’s also the quest to get them funding and/or resources to speed that process along.

So yeah, now’s a great time to expand the circle a bit! :slight_smile:

Hit me up here if you’re interested!