Grammar nitpicks, descriptive linguistics, etc

I should have put the whole quote.

There’s some sense in which Mindy Kaling is “later” than Velma, if not “latter” than her.

Even if we agree that @tachin1 just made an error, it seems like it was cognitively motivated. In mainstream western narrative we usually describe things in the order they happened so that there is iconicity between the order of utterances describing events and the order of the events themselves.

1 “The vase broke into pieces and the cat knocked the vase off the piano.” ?
2. “The cat knocked the vase off the piano and the vase broke into pieces.”

2 is much more natural than 1.

  1. “World War 2 had nuclear weapons. World War 1 had trenches.”

I’m not sure if 3 is actually that weird though?