Grass in the park at the center of San Francisco gentrification debate is now for rent

Good luck with adding green space to a city that has already expanded as far as it can in all directions except up. Interesting counter issue with the city I’m in; it can’t expand any more because it’s surrounded by protected green space.




Yeah, I think this would have been pertinent to the story. Essentially, they’re issuing the opportunity guarantee a space in the park while still leaving the majority available for the sweating masses. Like it or not, this makes sense.

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Damn. I can’t like it twice.

Also: Something, Something, misspent youth…


I’m kinda not seeing the difference between paying for goods & services and paying for human labor. The goods are made, grown, harvested, transported, stocked and sold by humans. Services (haircuts, tax prep, etc) are likewise rendered by humans.

“Ethnic cleansing”? Because organizing a kids birthday party is comparable to mass murder? What the fuck?

Also, title should substitute “is now for rent” with “has been for rent for about 6 years.”

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about 128 messages late there for that quip.

In the sense that goods and services should always cost more than what you’d pay a human being to live decently. Manufacturing can scale and can be difficult to assess, but if you’re paying less than X per hour a service provided by an actual human being, that ain’t right.

ETA: @Brainspore beat me to it. You didn’t expect me to read yet another 135 comments arguing about gentrification, did you?


You haven’t seen all the bodies of the people gassed because they dared step on the 25 square foot area of lawn that was reserved? Of course, the vast majority of them were hipsters, gay boys and stoners because… you know… Dolores Park isn’t exactly known for its diversity.

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Not only “makes sense” but is also just standard operating procedure in numpteen other cities globally. Parks are for everyone. From large groups that want to organize a party to solitary nappers. A system like this let’s both use the park without incidence.

Are you here to gentrify Boingboingtown? Cause we’ll shout at your special buses, you know! :wink:


You distract 'em, I’ll hotwire the bus, and we can take the whole gang down to DNA for pizza and beers!


And capitalism is always about forcing workers to accept lower and lower wages, until the eventual layoff.

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the soccer field that saw neighborhood kids pushed out by techies who don’t have the money or the technology to book the fields where they’ve played all their lives.

Come again?

Edit: I should have made it clear that I wasn’t disagreeing, but just bitching that the dangling modifier fucked up the sentence by saying that the “techies” (rather than the “neighborhood kids”) have “played [there] all their lives”.

It would be unwise to judge San Francisco by what you read on BoingBoing.

For example, you might reach the conclusion that SF daily life features the highest ratio of “whingeing” to “all other activities” to be found anywhere on planet Earth.

Having spent a few months of my life there, I don’t think this is necessarily true.

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Gah, why did I hit that link? Now I want a membership, even though it’s hundreds of miles away.

Start your own locally! That’s what I did (with 11 friends).

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I am from the NYC metro area. We have been “whingeing” back when William Shatner was a government agent working in “The Barbary Coast”.

The Whingers had their great migration to SF from the Northeast back in the mid 19th century.