Great deal on Electronics for Kids book

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Try the one on adult electronics. It gets pretty blue.


[quote=“frauenfelder, post:1, topic:83690”]In Part 2, you’ll make even more cool stuff as you:
Solder a blinking LED circuit with resistors, capacitors, and relays
Turn a circuit into a touch sensor using your finger as a resistor
Build an alarm clock triggered by the sunrise
Create a musical instrument that makes sci-fi sounds

Then, in Part 3, you’ll learn about digital electronics–things like logic gates and memory circuits–as you make a secret code checker and an electronic coin flipper. Finally, you’ll use everything you’ve learned to make the LED Reaction Game–test your reaction time as you try to catch a blinking light![/quote]As a young’un, books like this were always so frustrating as the necessary components were frequently completely inaccessible at a reasonable price. These days you can’t even pop down to the local Radio Shack and gawk at the exorbitant cost of a little packet of resistors.


[quote=“Jorpho, post:3, topic:83690, full:true”]As a young’un, books like this were always so frustrating as the necessary components were frequently completely inaccessible at a reasonable price. These days you can’t even pop down to the local Radio Shack and gawk at the exorbitant cost of a little packet of resistors.

I think the folks at adafruit get that. :slight_smile: If I had to grow up at a time, now would be sweet compared to when I was a kid. Between folks like adafruit and awesome looking books like this one, kids who want to tinker with electronics have it a billion times better than I did as a kid (not exact but I knew kids who had something similar to this monstrosity ).


Just like my stockings, baby!


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