Griefer hacks baby-monitor, terrifies toddler with spooky voices

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File under suprised it took this long?
Also dear parents. The kid is fine. You do not need cameras/intercoms etc when it is just down the hall.


…they found photos of their baby online.

How do you even do that? Photograph your baby and do a Google baby-face-recognition search? Or did the malefactor get the family’s contact information from the baby and attach it? That doesn’t sound like a random “hacker,” it sounds like a disgruntled ex or a creepy neighbor.


This hacker…needs to be punished. severely.

Look, you want to go after major corporations and organizations (I.E. adults)…fine, fair game. But when your fun and games means terrorizing a toddler…no. suffer a horrible and ignoble end.


Especially for a 3 year old. That’s definitely old enough to get the adults if there is a problem.


Christ, what an asshole.


I glossed over that part: they have a “baby” monitor in a 3-year-old’s room?

Makes me wonder what level of research they did, either about the technology of monitors or general parenting. Seem like they’re reacting to scary headlines without actually thinking about things.


How are parents supposed to raise their kids if they can’t use a baby monitor?

Oh, right, parents have been doing it for thousands of years.


To be fair, we don’t know anything about the child or family - maybe the kid has seizures for instance? The family might have a good reason to have the monitor. It’s also sort of blaming the victim in this case.

When I was on parental leave, I used a dumb monitor during my child’s nap time if I had to do yard work, thus avoiding having to check in every 10 minutes to see if he had finished. Some things just make life easier,

My experience is that most people, regardless of whether they have kids or not, are just itching to tell other parents how they are doing it wrong. I think parents need more support and less judge-iness; maybe they’d be more confident in their abilities then, and would rely less on things like monitors?


You’re implying all the rooms in my house aren’t being recorded 24/7…that’s right daddy’s watching.

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late stage capitalism


You know, one thing I’ve noticed about reproduction is that everybody seems to know how to best raise their kids EXCEPT the parents themselves.

Thank god for the Internet to set these people straight.


And why not a simple intercom/dumb monitor like you used? Why do we need to check in on our kids while at work with our smart phones? Why does this stuff have to be all internet enabled? The tech geek in me is kinda this is neat but the privacy geek in me goes jeez hey kid ‘welcome to your life in the panopticon from birth’.

I blame the company more for the lax security. Heck for my kid (and from what I heard from the other parents) it was when things got quiet it was worry time not when things were noisy.


Back in my day, we had wired baby monitors, with long cables running all over the place.


Yea, back in the Dark Ages you had unmonitored babies running around all over the place. Do you have any idea what the infant mortality rate was?


There’s something in the notion that parents aren’t the only (or even the best) ones who know how to raise their child. It could be argued that parents are too emotionally involved to be rational. More objective advice is potentially useful. Internet BBs aren’t the best place to get that advice. Parent’s should never lose sight of the fact that they have no rights when it comes to raising children, just obligations.

(And that “baby” in the photo has terrified me. So it’s all square)


Monitors don’t need to be internet-enabled, but some of them are. Somebody thought of it, and it turns out there was a market for it. I think there is a market for it because

i) There are times where monitors are useful, depending on the parent
ii) Controlling these things from a single device is convenient. Hence why we have lights, thermostats, garage doors, televisions, etc. that can be controlled this way. Invention is the mother of necessity as they say…
iii) People are worried about their kids, and these devices play to those worries. Ironically, the wifi devices give you more to worry about.

From the moment they conceive parents are bombarded by people who think they know best. If you don’t breastfeed, you hate your children. If you do breastfeed, then you’re just flaunting it to other parents. If you walk your kid to school, you’re the worst kind of helicopter parent. If you don’t, you should be charged with negligent parenting. The rush to give advice results in a lot of conflicting information, much of it offered as anecdote without a smidgin of science* or uncertainty attached. Its no wonder that parents** lack confidence. I can see how devices like this provide reassurance to some. It might be a false sense of security. But making people feel stupid for using them, security issues or not, is not the best way to help parents.

*which is almost always lacking
**Many of whom nowadays are single, or have less available time since both are working


I agree completely with that, it’s just that objective parenting advice is hard to come by. Sometimes even good advice offered in the wrong way can backfire.


Exacly. Humanity got by for 3 million years without baby cameras and motion sensors and baby-wipe warmers. Open the door, quietly walk inside the room. observe child.


Humanity got by without [insert just about everything here] for 3 million years, as well. Is your argument also one to revert to the stone age?

Do you have some strong, direct evidence that monitoring devices are either harmful to children or passively impede childhood development when used as directed, outside of the security vulnerabilities the article is discussing?

Otherwise you, and the parent comment, are just telling people what to do because YOU don’t like the idea of people parenting a certain way. Lot’s of people like and dislike certain things, and think other people should obey their preferences, which are presumably self-justifying. I think that’s also a big problem in and of itself.