Groove to the deepest, most beautiful jazz you've probably never heard

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Curse you… Now on my list for my next visit to Red Cat in Vancouver.
Soul Jazz is indeed an awesome label digging up some great stuff that would otherwise fade into history.


Goddammit. That ls good. My tolistentos just got augmented.

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Thank you.

You may find The Complete Clifford Jordan Strata-East Sessions (Mosaic 256) of interest.

Chris is the dude!!! Always the best recommendations at GM :slight_smile:

Oh cool! Thanks!

Check out Soul Jazz’s other compilation of Strata-East material, Strata-2-East, in fact pretty much any jazz compilation they put out - Black Fire! New Spirits! Deep and Radical Jazz in the USA 1957-75 , released late last year is certainly more afordable than either of the Strata East comps, Universal Sounds Of America or Best of Black jazz Records, alt5hough any is worth looking at.

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