GURPS Banestorm PBBB narrative thread

Nicolas de Courcy

“It won’t be a siege. They have no idea what’s happening down here, they won’t know if we’re coming out or were killed. They may wait a time for an easy ambush, but they want the ring so they will come in.”

De Courcy moves over to the table, and gestures at the figures on the map.

“Numbers are about even, but they’re fresh and apparently all formidable fighters. They have the advantage on the surface, but down here? Down here, the centaurs will have trouble moving in places, and there’s choke points where we can shield Blue Hawk and Aronn while they…” he pauses to wriggle his fingers in a vaguely magical gesture.

“That’ll also allow us to put our freshest and least injured to the fore and better control the fight.”

“Now, even if we leave someone to keep an eye on our friends the things should be little trouble, I say the rest of us move through them for here.”

De Courcy points to the secret rooms revealed on the map.

“That’s where I’d put a command centre, for the things and whatever other defences this place has. We take that, maybe we can turn things to our advantage.”

“That done, we set up to welcome our new friends. Workable plan? Or have I missed something?”