Guy loses nearly 400 pounds with insane diet plan: eating less, exercising more

Yes, but why does he keep wearing those pants?!


Thereā€™s another story about a young man who lost a lot of weight, and has a gofundme for the surgery to remove the extra skin. When asked what was the most remarkable part of his journey, he said the number of transgender people who reached out to him was astonishing. It must be terribly discouraging to lose all that weight, and still be unhappy with your body. Luckily, thereā€™s a support group out there ready to welcome him.

Indeed, I think this might be the third GoFundMe of this nature that Iā€™ve heard of - or maybe both of those other ones were for the same young man youā€™re referring to. I also recall the story of the woman whose inspiring story of weight loss got a good deal of interest from a fitness magazine that was poised to give her a pictorial until they found out about her excess skin, at which point they suddenly fell silent; the source eludes me presently.

Iā€™m good at dieting and exercising. But over the years, the weight has crept up more than itā€™s crept down. There are three factors that seem to thwart even my ability to establish good habits:

  1. medical problems and drugs that cause weight gain, and
  2. the hours I work
  3. family schedule

if I have a good work schedule, I can fit exercise into it nicely; otherwise, if the commute is too long or my own life just doesnā€™t seem to jive with my work life that well, I find it very hard to fit exercise in.

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