Guy who was hounded from work by homophobic "Valentine" gets a love-note from Justin Trudeau

Yup, and Trudeau père was definitely a Montrealer. :wink:

You’re not exactly wrong, but as an Albertan, I feel like I should point out that we now have a social democratic NDP provincial government, and our two major cities have a couple of the most progressive mayors in the country. The times, they are a-changin’.


Oh I’m aware! Calgary and the province has changed a lot! I lived there in the late 90s and its amazing to me how much its changed since then!

But still… you saw the #kudutah last week right?


I sure did. Some people don’t like change, and are having trouble admitting that they’ve lost the culture war. All those kudutah folks are missing are red “Make Alberta Great Again” baseball caps.

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I dunno man, “Albertans First” and “Stand up for Alberta” come pretty close… :wink:

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Disappointed in Boing Boing?


Well, that company lost a worker, but the world got a Pink Floyd!

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I think you’re thinking of this guy:

It was actually this guy:

Either way the world was considerably improved.


I used to think that I was opposed to political dynasties on general principle - the prospect of Clinton 2 vs Bush 3 was just too depressing to think about. It turns out I’m more willing to tolerate a political dynasty when it gives me a Trudeau or a Notley.


There were other good alternatives. The Liberals were probably going to win regardless. Running against Trudeau for the Liberal Party leadership was Marc Garneau - experienced politician, engineer, astronaut on three Shuttle flights and CAPCOM on several more, retired senior military officer, leadership training, etc.

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I wasn’t following the liberals too closely (NDP for me!) but my experience of Trudeau has been a lot like my experience of the new Pope - when he’s in the news, it’s often for something that leaves me feeling pleasantly surprised. Also, they’re each replacing a Sith Lord, so anything above completely terrible would have been a step in the right direction


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