Hackers begin to release Ashely Madison users personal data

I get what your’e saying. But can’t someone still make a little crack about a douchey site on Boing Boing? Oy :wink:


I’m not really arguing with you here!

It is not at all ideal for that vector.

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Perhaps those AM folks should be relegated to a particular planet circling HD88512 :wink:

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Too subjective. Send 'em to GROOMBRIDGE 34A.

Or heck, maybe even Pluto. It has a heart landscaped on it and everything.

Yes but there are also marriages that are you can do stuff just don’t tell me the details for one or both partners due to whatever reason it may be. Still this probably isn’t the best place to seek out the fling with but people are dumb and there will always be someone to make a buck off of that.


Yeah, it would be so hard to carve off time with a family to be away in some secret place with a secret someone. Frankly it sounds exhausting. You’d have been super damn unhappy to add that much extra work to your life.

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37 million accounts. Probably a lot of cruft in there. But still a lot of people.

The thing is a contract, be it a marriage contract or a business contract, is a matter between two parties. It is not your right to know the terms of that contract, what happens in the course of the contract, when the contract is broken or what happens in case of a breach. Yes, public records are available for contract disputes of both sorts that rise to a certain level, but not all violations of those contracts rise to that level, and when they don’t, the terms are private between the parties.

I also think you have too high a moral view of business contracts; ultimately they are a matter of cost and benefit. Few business people would argue that breach of a contract is a moral issue, it’s just a financial one. there are certainly moral issues in a marriage contract, but again that is matter of morality between two parties. You are not responsible for anyone else’s vows, and certainly not entitled to involve yourself in their negotiations or disputes.


This is about optimising marketing of infidelity

Playing this game leaves a trail of devastation


Here’s what I said: Or, is marketing to now-released convicts (otherwise known in America as Americans, generally speaking) a bad thing?

Your reply:


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I think it’s fair to say, looking at other for-profit vice industries that have targeted African-Americans (e.g., tobacco, alcohol), that the marketing tends to be cynically exploitative. Thus, I put “Ashley Madison Downlow” in the same category as “Kool.”


Not sure if that’s what @sam was pointing out, but I tend to place a fairly large portion of advertising into the “cynically exploitative” box.


On the Slate Money podcast, Cathy O’Neil has some interesting things to say about Ashley Madison.

– she has friends on Ashley Madison
– cybersex is really common on the site
– women don’t pay, and therefore, there’s no credit card paper trail

haven’t listened to the whole thing though

Yeah I guess, man. You judge for yourself. It specifically says “men who are married”.


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OMFG!!! Oh, noooooo!!! TMI! TMI!!!

I will, thanks, and as I mentioned above to your initial comment, your negative description of AM (“downlow” or otherwise) appeared predicated on the fact that they catered to men looking for homosexual encounters. That they would choose to use “downlow” to build a FQDN doesn’t worry me.

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