Originally published at: Handy cheat sheet shows how much it costs to pay an influencer to shill for your NFT | Boing Boing
I don’t know how I would’ve made it through my day without this very essential information. /s
Damn kids. Back in my day you could at least trust that dogecoin would score you some high quality glassware pretty much anywhere within the Mediterranian trade area. Can’t trust anyone now.
Look, if I were a web3 scammer I’d definitely be targetting people who take financial advice from Lindsay Lohan or from some rando who goes by the handle “Tony Montana”.
We should also bear in mind that this isn’t too far off from what Matt Damon is doing on behalf of crypto-dot-com in broadcast media (Larry David for FTX might be a case of him scamming the scammers but it’s still not a good look).
I’ll get my scam financial advice from the honorable Wyckoff Foncrypto, thank you very much.
Are those shill fees denominated in fusty old USD?
As if we need a spreadsheet to know which crypto bros and gals are shills.
$25k for Lindsay Lohan! Yes, she has a lot of followers, but surely she doesn’t actually influence very many of them?
I can not imagine making a bad financial decision without Lindsay Lohan’s help.
The crypto world is really just scams all the way down. Many are just the old “pump and dump” scheme that was prevalent even a hundred or more years ago. There’s an amusing book My Adventures with Your Money about a pioneer of such schemes. The bigger and bolder schemes tend to result in indictments and prosecutions, but more retail-level fraud often goes unpunished, which is true both in crypto land and for other types of fraud.
I keep misreading things and shoot, now I want to be a crypt influencer.
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