Hank Green's "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing": aliens vs social media fame vs polarization

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/09/25/carls-against-humanity.html

Hank Green (previously) is one half of the famous and much-loved Vlog Brothers; while his brother John Green (previously) is well-known for his novels, Hank hasn’t ventured into fiction – until now. His debut novel, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing is a deceptively romp-y novel about mysterious samurai alien robot statues appearing all at once, everywhere that has hidden and absolutely remarkable depths.


If “An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” is also a wonderful thing (hence its inclusion here), we’re going to have to put someone on superlative watch.

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Having finished it last night, I’ve started to dissect the book with my friends, which NEVER happens. Truly a testament to its engaging themes, which it builds awesomely upon its characters and delightfully tight pacing.

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