I don’t. I found it interesting, and here’s the shocker, even though I don’t agree that doing such things would be good. I’ve also read The Anarchist’s Cookbook without actually being an anarchist or wanting to booby trap anything or otherwise sow terror and discord.
One should perhaps point out an argument against notions of an infinitely long “heaven” as well. By most ideas I’ve heard, in heaven you will be spending time with everyone else who is in heaven too, one would suppose. Everyone. Else. A fraction of infinity is still an infinite amount, so one would literally spend eternity with each person there. Personally, I can’t imagine anything worse than that, thinking about some of the people who think they will be in heaven. shudders
I’m guessing that’s snark because I’m seeing a lot of disapproval in this thread that doesn’t make sense to me.
What if I was a writer–should I not bend my immensely powerful faculty of imagination in that case? Or is it okay just to talk about?
That’s torture. Torture is not okay, ever.
How about if we make thousands of devices that split and/or fuse atoms, test them on ourselves and then set up systems so that they would all go off together at the slightest provocation and that could destroy the planet and all future generations…
Look, I know I’m not stopping anything. I’m not naive. And no, I don’t want to infringe upon anyone’s free will. There always have been, and always will be, sadists out there who choose to speculate about new and inventive ways to torment the human body and mind without remorse, without stopping for one freaking second to remember that they are, in fact, human beings themselves. The detached, intellectual discussion of “how can we hurt people more effectively?” just turned my stomach. But of course, it’s their right to do so. So I withdraw my freaking comment, I yield to reason. It was a long, wearying day and I was already feeling pretty disgusted with people, and then I saw this article on BoingBoing and it struck a nerve.
You’ve never wanted to booby-trap anything?
I completely agree, but when we decide something shouldn’t be spoken or written about (or argued) is the point at which we’ve lost. Censorship hurts everyone regardless of whether they participate in the discussion or not because it’s a restriction on thought. I’ll get off my soapbox on that particular issue now
Understandably. I read it and was thinking about it in another way. What if society figures out a pill that will put someone into an induced coma of sorts where they think and feel time as though it’s passing much more rapidly than it really is? So I get the 20 year pill because I machine-gunned someone, and instead of being sentenced for 20 years, the pill induces thought processes that make me think I’m living through my sentence, when actually I’ll wake up in a year, still remembering that horrible “jail” sentence and how I was able to gain some understanding of remorse that would then inform the rest of my life (and likely keep me from machine-gunning anyone). Figuring out rehabilitation while in the dream space would probably be the really hard part, but that’s sorta where my head went.
Fair enough. Maybe the bottom of such BB posts should have an auto-unicorn generator…
Heh, I wouldn’t say that… “Want” is one thing, “Do” is another…
Great. Now I am thinking she’s from Special Circumstances, working to keep us from making virtual hells when we get enough substrate to sim them.
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