Originally published at: Here are liquid droplets like you've never seen them before | Boing Boing
ugh…the quick zooms and cuts and effects were unsettling to me. I think i expected something more soothing.
Gonna go watch the guy pluck the kid from off the railroad tracks again.
Thank you for a genuine LOL
Once again, fancy-pants editing ruins what needed to be a simple presentation.
Check out Jim Wright, AKA stonekettle station on FB-he has been doing some amazing macro photography with droplets, dandelion fluff and lasers.
I remember DIsney did this years ago; slo-mo of drops of milk (being easy to photograph). And that was when TV was in black and white. (They did other things that have been copied, like an array of mousetraps going off to simulate nuclear chain reactions.)
A tip of the hat to Doc Edgerton. Doc Edgerton - Wikipedia
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