Here are the three most common dishonest arguments used to derail universal healthcare proposals

Originally published at:


Medicare for all, time has come.


I look forward to every one of these arguments showing up in the comments here.


You can post this article debunking these BS arguments all you want, but facts and logic won’t overcome the intellectual dishonesty of those who have a financial or (for the bootstrapping temporarily embarrassed millionaire set) ideological interest in preventing universal single-payer in the U.S. They will still continue to make those exact arguments – watch this thread if you don’t believe me (jinx, @alahmnat! )


We need more details.


The answer to “how do we pay for it?” isn’t to point to military spending, it’s to point to the fact that the US spends more on healthcare than any other developed nation. There is no evidence-based reason to believe that universal healthcare wouldn’t cost less than what America is doing now. Yes, people have their models and theories about why american healthcare is so expensive that would still exist under universal care, but that’s all they are, made up formulas and pet ideas and they all rely on the idea that universal healthcare would not be transformative (while simultaneously arguing it would be transformative in bad ways).

When someone says, “How would we pay for it?” ask them why they think it would cost more, considering it costs less in all known cases. The idea that it would cost money is conservative fairies and unicorns.


You know… in a “go one page back and read the arguments” sort of way… they did.



The spectre of taxes being the source of health insurance funding haunts Libertarians to the extent that they forget basic concepts like economies of scale, single-payer bargaining clout, and the efficiencies that arise from standards – generously assuming that these wannabe tycoons understood them in the first place.


Argument number four:

Americans just don’t have the ethics and integrity it takes to run a system like this.


During this health care crisis is neither the time nor the place to discuss such matters. there will be a time and a place later on but for now we need to focus on the events that unfolded toda…opps got my sound bites mixed up…


Wow, an underfunded organization functions poorly? Amazing! Hey, maybe we could shift that $100B military budget raise over tot he VA? If not, why do you hate the troops?


I wish more people would make this argument explicitly. The arguments against universal healthcare in the US are all variants of, “Look, America is just a shit nation full of shit people and there’s no way we can do what every other developed nation can do.” I’d like to hear Republicans (and half the Democrats) in congress come out and say that and see how that affects their chances of re-election.


I do contract work for an underfunded health care organization. They know that their financial standing is not helped by allowing incompetents to work there. They fire them.

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I’m ready to say it. Until we get rid of the corruption and cronyism and ass-covering in the USA, none of this stuff you would like to see happen is ever going to work.


Yep, there it is, “America is special so it won’t work here, I don’t actually have any arguments I just have a gut feeling.”

Thanks for playing.


This kind of argument from libertarians reveals that they’re not actually interested in the freedom they claim to want. They just want to argue for lower taxes.

If you have universal healthcare paid for by taxes, fewer workers are tied to their jobs and fewer unqualified people apply for (and sometimes get) jobs because of the benefits. Fewer people stay in jobs where the primary benefit is health insurance. Not worrying about your health care or having to provide healthcare for others allows you to start a business if you have an idea and some start up capital. This frees up jobs for people who need them so they can do more of what they’re capable of rather than wallowing in poverty. How many ideas and goods and services aren’t hitting the market because someone is too busy working for their health insurance instead of working for their dreams?

Apparently only middle to upper class white dudes can be libertarian entrepreneurs…


Quoting myself from the co-pay thread (which I’m sure in no way inspired Cory to post this article)

I’d love it if they’d just come out and say that they think everyone is as greedy and corrupt as they are.

Absolutely. For people who claim to want to take us all off the “Road to Serfdom” they sure don’t mind keeping this heavy chain in place between workers and employers. But of course, in their minds only the state can exercise tyranny, not our benevolent and corruption- and incompetence-free corporations (like, say, Equifax).


It’s amazing to hear this argument from many of the same people who claim that America is the greatest country in the world.


Unless they are upper management. Then they simply try to socialize their losses through political cronyism.