Here's how to decide whether to keep a book or get rid of it

So, this thread, and especially your and @jerwin’s pictures of your shelves made me want to showcase my own pathetic collection, and in order to do that, I had to organize it a little. And then I just couldn’t do that (mentally - it was perfectly possible physically) without organizing my whole room and all my files and papers and craft supplies and the millionsof notebooks and all the little things I’ve collected for art projects. So that took at least 3 hours. I think, I wasn’t looking at the time. After I was done, I started scrubbing the kitchen. I’m a bit obsessive like that - when I start, I can’t stop. And I did this all while in withdrawals from opioid recovery!

So, I guess I should thank you and this thread for getting me started on something productive.

Now here’s my bookshelf:

Here’s a closer look so you can actually see the titles (and the Illuminatus! Trilogy - must be mentioned so I can get those important Internet points).

I’ve got a bunch of books I’ve gotten as a gift and never read, but there are also some real gems there that I love to death. I tried to put all my favorite books on the right side in the highest shelf, and at the bottom there’s mostly non-fiction stuff, but mostly it’s not that well organized.

I have my little stack of manga there at the bottom, which is actually just Ginga Nagareboshi Gin (3 volumes in Japanese and the rest in Finnish), and one volume of Trigun. I also have a huge stack of Geo magazines there, as well as Science and National Geographic.