Here's what's in Trump's executive order against social media companies

Ha! We all know that Jefferson never believed or felt that.

Unless you were black.

Section 230 should be revoked, immediately should be revoked, number one. For Zuckerberg and other platforms. – Joseph Biden


Dick tater:


It’ll be struck down, but if the alt-right moves fast it’s going to put a few liberal-leaning sites like this one out of business due to legal fees. We know there have been and are users like that here, who arrive to tr0ll the community and then complain about their “unpopular” (i.e. far-right or Ayncap) views being “censored”.

I hope that the EFF and the ACLU and the big tech companies will be pro-active in stopping this before it starts.


So much is intersecting here. First, it’s another step toward claiming the next election is fraudulent. That makes me increasingly nervous. Second, it’s more evidence that we can no longer agree on measurable or otherwise verifiable facts. It seems that we are now entitled to both our own opinions and our own facts. Third, this is a too-familiar pattern. We’ve seen Berlusconi, Orban and others pulling this in extreme ways. But that’s not necessary in the US. You only have to make it too risky (lawyers) to have public forums.

This is hitting me especially hard. Earlier this week my own mother unfriended me and my sister for questioning one of her “coronavirus isn’t as bad as the flu” memes. That’s just sad. She was asserting facts, but accused us of not letting her have her own opinions. Both my sister and I live in places where civic leaders are making desperate pleas for help because our medical services have been overwhelmed. Telling her that was enough for her to sever ties. Trump is the tip of a very persuasive iceberg. So many USians are dying to hear him tell it like it isn’t.

[edit for paragraph break]


Called it!


This couldn’t have been formulated overnight, could it?

He (that is, his minions) have been waiting for a ‘triggering incident’ and the Twitter addendum to his tweets fit the bill.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
that’s all i got. someone licked his wowypop and now he is cwying…

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It was predictable in the sense that this is what Trump always does.


It worked against Gawker - but mostly because Gawker crossed a line, and had a billionaire willing to spend any amount of money needed to fund lawsuits.

What these chuckleheads don’t seem to grasp is that it took dozens of suits and around a decade for chucklefoot to find the exact time that Gawker pushed the line too hard. They just saw the end result and are trying to replicate it - without the unlimited money - or the personal vendetta to fuel the rage.

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It’s so gross that the right is so horny for trump to narrowly target individual companies (Amazon, Twitter, etc…) with his own personal beefs while complaining about Obama “picking winners” and “interfering with the FREE market.” He also walks right up to the line of describing what would be effectively anti-trust, but that’s such a fundamental (R) no-no that he can’t complete the thought, he just retreats back to vendetta-fuming against selected targets.

Is there some way we can trick Trump into believing that open standards and enforced interoperability would “pwn the libs?”


If you were to frame a campaign around it and somehow make google into the bad guy - you could probably get both parties to think it’s a great idea.


When conservative ideology is based on outright lies then there isn’t much the law can do to protect them in this respect. Is Donald going to ask Bill Barr to jump in and defend some conservative who gets banned because he threatened to murder someone on Twitter?

Increasingly, “anti-conservative bias” is really just standing up for morals, decency, the law, and the basic structure of reality.


Yup. As I said on a couple of other threads, this is nothing to laugh at. If this hits, the BBS is fucked.

It was nice knowing you people.


The right have been after 230 for a while. This is the same ‘disaster capitalism’ opportunism as the corporate immunity crap McConnell is pushing. Let no disaster go unexploited to push tangentially-related policies thru.


If this happens I will learn how to set up an online forum illegally (That is such an odd thing to say…)

I am all about telling the government and the law and authority in general to go fuck itself. I’ve certainly been screwed by enough of them to not give a shit anymore so running a Pirate Bay style bbs and flipping off lawyers over some bullshit Donny boy flippantly came up with would delight me to no end.

For the record anybody who seems to worship the police and authority, over-reaching petty and vindictive shit like this is how you create more people like me who do not give 2 fucks about laws. Laws only have power when people implicitly understand the importance of obeying them because of the positive benefit to society.

Once that implicit understanding is undermined by people like Trump lawlessness becomes the norm.


Gotta admit, when Bill Clinton signed the CDA, I kind of thought he would have been the one to do the overreach, given Tipper Gore’s warn on culture and bad words/bad video games/etc.

Surprised it took this long for someone to misuse it.


That will happen when George Soros sues Breitbart and Fox News for censoring his opinions.

Actually I take that back. It would be better if Hillary sued those companies.


That’s what the ACLU is for. (ETA: and the EFF)

Though Twitter, Facebook, and the other major social media companies should just create a legal consortium to fight these challenges together, rather than duke it out individually.


Trump insists he has the freedom to be the world record U S Presidential serial liar in U S History but we don’t have the freedom to point out that unfortunate TRUTH. This ain’t China or Russia Don the Con. The NYT has over 18,000 cited, dated, located Trump lies, prove 1/10,000th incorrect Trumpsters, you won’t and can’t.