High school student newspaper exposes Nazi symbols in local police training videos

One of the most successful examples of police reform in recent American history was in Camden, New Jersey. The existing department and union were hopelessly corrupt but so entrenched that effectively reforming the department was virtually impossible. So instead of trying to fix the department, the city dissolved it entirely and created a new county-led department to take its place. Any officer who wanted to stay around had to re-apply for their job and was subject to new oversight that never would have been possible in the previous department.

So essentially “fire all the cops and start over” is exactly what they did.


Truth in advertising or something


Oh, so that’s what they meant by “the thin blue line.”


Not to drag us back into acab discussion territory but:
“Good cops” still arrest people for stealing food to feed their families
“Good cops” still harass the homeless
“Good cops” still put people on the street from perfectly good homes
“Good cops” still put up with literal nazi propaganda in their training without complaint.

All cops are bastards.


So, the only good cops are the ones who aren’t cops anymore? Because, guaranteed, every one that fits that description has been either fired, forced to resign, forced out, or been killed. Do some basic research on police who report their partners and colleagues for violations of the law, and what happens to them after.

Also, can you point to the good cop in Kenosha, when every cop on duty the night Kyle Rittenhouse killed BLM protesters waved him by while people on the street were pointing at him, yelling that he shot someone? Then he went on to shoot more people, who were forced to confront him when the police would not. Where’s the good cop there?

How about in Portland? Every time violent right-wing thugs came to town, the police said they couldn’t do anything about it (even though ER visits by marginalized people spiked with every visit by the hate tourists), because the 1A tied their hands. But the first night of BLM protests in response to George Floyd’s murder, every cop on duty was called out to suppress that protest, and did so with tear gas, “rubbber” bullets, and batons. Where was the 1A, then? Oh, BTW, they all obscured their names and badge numbers.

There are whole departments all over the country that are bad from root to stem. Reform has been tried for 40 years with the only effect being the massive increase in police budgets. It’s time to try something different. Start something new. Because what we have is not working.


I just googled “Renegade Films”…

WHAT type of neo-nazi, antisemitic hell hole did I just fall into?

If you follow some of the links, you get to bitchute•com, which is apparently the youtube of neo-Nazis. It is unending Pizzagate, anti-“globalist”, and explicitly anti-semitic “documentaries”.

How did any government agency utilize this “Renegade Films” to make their training videos??

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Easy, they both hate minorities.


Okay. You’ve convinced me. Still don’t think ACAB, but this example makes me rethink the possibilities for reform. Thanks!


It’s rare, I agree, but they exist. I also agree that something new has to start because what we have isn’t working. We’ll need to find and support and promote the cops who aren’t bastards to start.

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