Hitler was a meth-head

Oh, oh – found something in common with Hitler…
For creative stuff, 02:00-04:00 is my peak.


I learned a long time ago to not listen to the voices between 2 til 5. They are lying to me and the work I am doing at that point is not The Best.


“Turn around and drop your pants. This goes in the gluteus.”

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Recently on Reddit someone asked – “fer reals” – what offends the Redditors? Thousands replied and the typical answer within the hundreds I read went something like this: Nothing offends me, except this one thing, and then they would go on to describe the circumstances under which they were offended and after you read it you would think, ‘well, who wouldn’t be? You poor thing.’ Apart from these offenses, however, they were the Captains of Cool. There in the soft, warm comfort of anonymity, what they wanted to share, what was important to them to impress upon us, was how cool they were, how difficult to offend, how level headed and mature. I thought, 'You lying little shits. Nothing offends you? Nothing?! You could have sat there at your keyboards and made lists of what offends you, and what? someone takes issue with you taking issue? Do you just come here to be liked? I was offended by their stated lack of willingness to take offense. There are so many worthy choices. Where’s the anger?

It isn’t our failure to take note of evil when it presents itself in a common and banal form that worries me. What worries me is that no matter how offended we become, we’ll still put our self-images first and remain cool, just let it roll right off our backs. We’ll avoid any form of confrontation and use whatever ‘moral high ground’ we’ve managed to gather under our feet to justify our indifference and failure to act.

He was just self medicating for his adhd.

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The Daily Mail? Really?

Harry Hamlin,(who plays Jim Cutler) talks about Max Jacobson

My dad was in the space program and he used to take that drug. When Kennedy said he needed to get a man on the moon in ten years, he basically said to all the government agencies involved with that, “You gotta get everybody on this drug.” NASA basically forced my father to get on this drug. He loved it so much that he gave it to my mother and other friends and sort of spread the word. We were in Pasadena at the time. I was very familiar with that concoction growing up.

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Hitler’s drug use does little if anything to explain the Holocaust or his other crimes, because he had written about his intentions before he started these drugs, and because other people’s cooperation was an essential part oftese crimes.

Hitler’s drug use does demonstrate that some combination of meth, testosterone, feces, and other shit can turn someone from a power-hungry hateful asshole to that power-hungry hateful asshole in his bunker.

I gather that there wasn’t much knowledge on the risks of amphetamines at the time, and there isn’t much agreement even today. Some sources claim that regular use of low doses won’t cause addiction, but others that it can easily cause addiction. I have enough trouble with caffeine.

See also the American military’s “go” pills.

Well so much for Lou Reed’s assertion: “We did not start World War I, II or III. Or the Bay of Pigs, for that Matter.”

Bingo. He was batshit crazy from the get-go, and surrounding himself with other batshit-crazy thugs and murderers didn’t exactly help the situation. The truly astounding thing about Hitler, I think, is that if he’d not invaded Poland and started the general confrontation, he’d be regarded as a national hero for turning around the national economy.
The major problem with that is, of course, the national socialists were a total sham-party and everything would’ve fallen apart without some national crisis to mobilize against.
From everything I’ve read about the man, he was a medical wreck being treated by quacks and his visitors, especially in the later years of the war, were often shaken by his frail and sickly appearance.

Being almost successfully killed by bomb on 20 July 1944 probably contributed to the frailty of his appearance also :wink:

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There’s also the fact that, to go by our contemporary experiences with meth and other psychostimulants, the relatively safe levels of use don’t seem to cause hitleresque personality changes or behaviors, while the unsafe levels of use tend to erode your ability to be a functional human being (much less an atypically forceful and effective leader) relatively quickly.

Modest use just doesn’t tend to cause radical changes, and hardcore use will mess you up enough that there is no way you’d stay in power unless you have some loyalists to watch your back and cover for you.


It helps that Hitler had a cooperative doctor who had no problem with dispensing all the different medications he needed. Dr. Theodor Morell was a total quack and was widely recognized for that, but Hitler stayed loyal to him. The medication regimen was supposed to treat Hitler’s flatulence but what Morell provided was so off the wall that Eva Braun refused to consider being treated by him (she called him “that injection quack”). Even after Morell was discharged and Hitler’s suicide, he was still treated more leniently than most other Nazi doctors.


I was always more of a dismantler than a tidier when I was tweakin’. Screwdrivers and wires and such. I never tried to take over the world though.

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There’s a decent and fairly comprehensive History Channel documentary about this topic called “High Hitler” (get it? nyuk nyuk). You can check it out on YouTube. Adolf’s off-the-wall medication regimen didn’t inspire his genocidal fantasies, but it certainly aggravated his madness. But hell, practically everything in Germany was batshit crazy in those days.

Pretty deep.


Can also be paraphrased as “people aren’t eager to get involved in $my_pet_issue”…?


Adderall: America’s favorite amphetamine

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More like the ‘peeve du jour’, but it’s been generally frosting my ass for some time. No amount of rummaging around in the medicine cabinets and peeking in the sock drawers of long dead monsters, will prevent the rise of the next atrocious political leader with a global reach. All the time we’re tearing down the old monsters, revealing their secrets and nasty habits, we’re building up new monsters and we’re doing it with our eyes wide-open.

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