Hoaxer with a history of fake bomb threats SWATs and murders a random bystander over a $1.50 Call of Duty bet

True, it’s a bad state of affairs. But doesn’t it, at its root, really say even more about our culture, that is breeding these types of fucked-up man-children who would initiate the SWAT in the first place?


You who think we are in an era of killer cops are correct, but only because of their fire power. Researching the 1937 police corruption investigations in San Francisco, I found an interesting book from 1931 called “Our Lawless Police” A Study of the Unlawful Enforcement of the Law


A detailed analysis of cop behavior for the entire existence of American law enforcement, and it ain’t pretty…

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Maybe, but most all white neighborhoods I’ve ever seen were not poor by a long shot. And the absence of POC other than laborers was by design.


White supremacy is so pervasive that, in the most segregated areas, white people are able to pretend that it doesn’t exist.

I don’t see how this situation does anything to support the “cops aren’t all bad” argument, though.


A “good cop” who collaborates in providing impunity for abusive cops is not a good cop.

Based on that standard, good cops are vanishingly rare.


I wonder how that compares with actual hostage situations where negotiation has failed, necessitating the need for a SWAT team.

I’m betting the answer would be “fewer”, since once you have a hammer like a SWAT team, then a lot of situations start looking like nails. And negotiations start to look like a waste of time compared with sending in a bunch of guys with prosthetic dicks to shoot the baddies and save the day.


Yup. There’s no such thing as a good cop that doesn’t tattle. In that case there’s just two bad cops.


We basically agree on that (see my comments on corruption and the unions). But as we generally acknowledge with other subjects. There are often very good. Understandable reasons for people to stay out of it. Neither helping or impeding. If only because a given set of people, especially in large departments, are often deeply disconnected from the invents in question. Werent there, don’t know any details about it, aren’t involved in any sense with investigations, And don’t know any of the people involved. Along with being deeply misinformed by the powers that be about what’s going on.

Though the whole blue wall thing is becoming increasingly untenable. Keeping out of it to keep your career going while everything goes to shit around you is generally a bad way to go.

But you don’t generally hear about police quietly doing their jobs properly or well. Even when that involves not feeding into problems, “playing ball”, or pushing back on these things.

Because it’s not news. It’s routine. And it doesn’t fit the media narrative where the only news worthy events are those where you can brand the cops “heroes” or when profoundly negative or divisive things happen. And where they have to be considered in the most narrow, black and white fashion possible.

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Yeah, but I don’t know how the fucked up man children are culturally produced. I am just more concerned that there is no need for a hit man when you know the “one weird trick” to kill someone using automated police responses.


By our culture which edifies and caters to them in numerous ways? I mean, that’s part of the reason that mass culture is such a core flash point for them - they view it as “theirs” and get pissy when people try to “take it” from them. Gamergate is the perfect illustration of this, and swatting grew out of the same cesspool. Our culture produces them, as much as it produces you and me.


I sympathize with the family, but it’s not likely to happen.


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