Holy Chicken Ship! The full-length "Captain EO" is more brilliant than you can possibly remember

I am mocking him for only now realizing this. The number of posters who had not seen Captain EO and wanted to makes this post worthwhile regardless.


Come along now.


The 60 fps upsample also makes everything look like a cheap TV show. But everyone in the comments seems to be all “OMG QUALITYYYY” so I guess I’m just old.

First time seeing the whole thing start to finish. It definitely reeks of peak MJ, but it’s fun enough. Must have been mind-blowing with all the special effects in place.


There seems to be this great tendency to be like, “this person/organization is bad and they made a thing that’s good/liked and you should not like it/think it’s bad now” and there’s definitely a big gray area.

Like I like Harry Potter just as much as I did before it was revealed that Joanne was a TERF, and I have very fond memories of “The Dig” despite Orson Scott Card personally funding anti-LGBT stuff in Africa or whatever, and Disney is a gigantic megacorp with as much soul as a piece of rock though I still think ‘going to a disney park is fun even as an adult’. I suppose ‘giving them money’ is the biggest problem point there.

See also: “Rosemary’s Baby is a good classic movie and Roman Polanski is a pedophile”

I saw EO as a child but remembered basically none of the movie. I was kind of excited to see MJ, but ultimately came out quite underwhelmed.

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Sometimes who the artist is was a big part of the point, though. In that case I don’t think you can brush things aside so easily.


Space trenching is legit contrast; it’s space conduit bending and Fire Access (like to a roof) that’s dirty. Space caustic isotope separation, yeah that’s some real space industry. Check out that Space Delft Laquerware over some roasted tiny space tree leaves.

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With Ballet moves to make it even more like real fighting.

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What did they do to this. It looks like they shoved this though some uprez filter and make everything fucky. Like you can see the video artifacts but now all shoved though ushap mask but with more frames.

Thanks man.

I’d never seen it, nor heard of it.


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