How a centuries-old debate about musical tuning turned into a Nazi conspiracy theory

Well yeah, that’s why I mentioned it in the original post:

It was a rant, not a serious suggestion. I guess a /rant tag would have helped.

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My understanding of telecine is that it is a frame for frame match so broadcasting films on television must have been speed up to match the 50Hz interlaced frame rate in PAL.

I’m afraid I’m out of my league here but this guy suggested it never really had to sync to the power supplies AC frequency and ‘other’ electronic engineering could achieve this… kinda sounding near enough is good enough with 24 to 25.

Here is a link to an article that seems to cover all these issues quite well in both film, television and digital frame rates:

415 Hz is also known as Ab in standard tuning so you can just transpose down a semitone…

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The problem with the comparison video is that you’ll hear the second one as being sharp, because the playing of the first loop sets itself up as a reference. I’d wager that if you did a double blind study (subjects listening on headphones, randomized snippets) where you compared A440vA432, A432vA440, A432vA432, A440vA440, tracking participants self-described ability to discern pitch, maybe even evaluate that, you’d find no special qualities of A432 over A440 other than folks with trained ears can identify which is which.

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And then you are at the “E-flat” Hendrix/Vaughan tuning, which some Strat players will argue is somehow magical.

I do have a cheap Chinese-made Recording King OOO-sized guitar that just flat-out sounds better tuned down a half step, but that’s more about string tension than pitch. Even capo’d up to standard tuning it sounds better.

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