How a paid FBI informant created a terror plot that sent an activist to jail for 9 years

You won’t get promoted for releasing an innocent…

DO NOT ask for pics!


There were actually two episodes involving muslims in one of said towns. They had just kind of blurred together in my head. And that’s just what I get from reading local news. It’s practically background noise at this point.

I read something too about one FOIA request where the documents included episodes with FBI agents surveilling anti-war activists and following little old ladies driving subarus home from anti-war meetings. All I could think was “That could’ve been my mom.” But when you live under something like that, it loses its impact, and just becomes background noise.

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i’m normally a fan of doctorow, but his assertion that “…virtually no violent acts have been committed by the environmental movement…” is disingenuous at best and out-right false at worst. is it possible that the author does not consider arson violent? perhaps he would claim that e.l.f. isn’t part of the environmental movement. sounds like a no-true-scotsman fallacy to me. i expect better.

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Y’all are a little late to this story aren’t you? I guess it’s better late than never but I can remember reading this story like 10 years ago.

You must have been reading a time traveling newspaper article since the article that Doctorow linked to was written 2 days ago and references things that McDavid did last month.


History repeats itself… and at a cursory reading the stories can be similar enough.

Tits or it Didn’t Happen, Sweetpea…


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