How Amazon's Fire TV Stick paid for itself

I have the Fire TV stick, Roku 3 and Apple TV and currently use all three. To me, not one really shines above the rest. But I’m very impressed with the Fire TV, given the price and size. And with Plex, I can access my local library in a better environment than the Apple TV.

I am super happy with my current setup.

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Roku makes it terribly annoying to change DNS settings per device unlike apple tv, a deal breaker for me.

Oh my. What does it say about the state of video that the bluray v itunes comparisons all date to about 2012?

That no one cared, and sony lost, despite having a better picture?

Oh,I have a question. I want to share Amazon Prime Video with other members of my household. I don’t want them spending money on my credit card, or touching my precious ipad. I have a LG330 bluray player and an appleTV, neither of which handle Amazon streaming natively.

Hell, even on DVD it’s easy to see the (often literal) strings. It’s part of its charm.

If you’re seeing Evil Dead II for the first time, then, there’s still probably no better way to do so than with your older brother’s dubbed VHS copy on the 20-year-old TV in your basement rec room at 2 a.m. If, on the other hand, you’re seeing it for the 24th time, get the Blu-ray: It’s positively groovy.

a brilliant sound system is a must for these sorts of movies, though. Dead Alive, in particular.


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