How emoji use can reinforce racist white supremacy

Again I’m just absolutely stunned by that take.

Using the Simpsons as an example;

Even though they are yellow in complexion, yellow is presented as ‘the default, the norm,’ ie the way White people have presented themselves in every form of media since it was invented.

The reason that we know that in the Simpsons yellow = White is because of the existence of token characters like Apu, who is Brown and speaks with a thick stereotypical accent.

If yellow wasn’t meant to replace Whiteness, they could have made Apu purple and ditched the fucked up accent… but they didn’t.

Using Legos as an example:

As stated upthead, yellow was the “neutral” default meant to represent “everyone…” until Lego started manufacturing characters who were Black or Brown. That they kept the yellow figs yellow while adding Brown figs meant that yellow became a substitute for White skin.

That you personally ‘don’t happen to see it that way’ is highly irrelevant; many people who are not the direct victims of racism “can’t see” racism, even when it’s right in front of them.