How Sony made sure everyone would see uncanny CGI nudes resembling Ellen Page

See, that doesn’t make sense to non-gamer me. Why would I want to play a game in which I have to watch people do their laundry or eat lunch? Seems like a pretty loose definition of “game.”

Well, previously such sections were used to create a sense of immersion, to control pacing and tension in the game, etc. They’re very much about making cinematic games, so it’s not all action, all the time. (Although the clothes washing and shower scene in one previous game actually were fairly tense sections of the game. Really.)

Yeah, she sure is taking her time. Clearly she wasn’t running late for a meeting

Except that they didn’t. Include a “fully nude model” that is. (See above images.) Brownlee seems to have become confused or made that part up. The model used has nipples, as many 3D models used in games do. Other than that, it’s a Barbie.
I can’t tell if Sony are trying to give people the impression the game contains a fully nude character, or if they’re trying to stamp down on the perception that there’s a fully nude character to prevent another “hot coffee” fiasco.

Grand Theft Auto V made made a billion dollars in sales its first three days. There must be lots of ostensibly fun things one can do in that game, but among them are filling in for your crackhead buddy JB by towing cars around, or setting homeless people on fire. Really, the vast majority of the things you can do in GTA V are things I could do in real life on any given Tuesday, provided I was a nihilistic goon who had completely given up on life. Which would be its own form of escapism, I guess.

I like my games to be slightly less depressingly realistic.

This is why I can’t get into the survival mode Minecraft, that thing is more work than real work! And for what? So a spider can come in a kill me?

If you’re going to all the work of building a model, you want it to be reusable in other situations. This game may not need that hint of color showing through a translucent blouse; the next might. Easier to do it right up front, as it were. Especially if, in fact, this was a reuse of an off-the-shelf configurable model.

Yeah, I got the same uncanny valley vibe in Tron Legacy from the “young” Jeff Daniels, particularly in the first part where it’s supposed the be the real Flynn (at least when it was used for the virtual character the ‘artificial’ look was appropriate) - the face mocap tech was pretty cool but you could see it was tech.

It also reminds me of The Sims games, where you can mod out the pixelation if you’re so inclined, but then you get to see Barbie and Ken dolls with the bits missing. (And of course there are more mods to put those bits back.)

Why would I want to play a game where I’m a disembodied gun floating around a dingy undersea metropolis repeatedly shooting at boring, samey bad guys for hours? Different strokes for different folks. It’s not a loose definition of game, it’s a different type of game.

Likewise, a narrative film that focuses on the mundane is not less of a movie than a narrative action movie.

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Also, they’re freaking nipples. They’re not a scandalous or obscene part of the body unless you’re some sexually repressed puritan maniac, or an American (maybe that’s redundant).


Virtual Ellen needs to get to a damn virtual spin class and work on those legs, because if I want to see shapeless skinny thighs I can always look at Kate Upton.

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And yet some one, some where is getting off on this.

Why is this tagged as ‘porn’?

“How Sony made sure everyone would see uncanny CGI nudes resembling Ellen Page”

…And how Boing Boing helped them get the word out.

Seriously, between this and Mitt Romney’s house plans, BB has rather take a sudden turn towards tabloid-trash, hasn’t it? What’s going on, you guys?

Stop being so cynical about the intentions of the game developers. Manufactured controversy is an extremely short sighted tactic that game developers and publishers can’t afford to toy with.

Anyone who followed the controversy surrounding the “Hot Coffee” mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas knows that it was a huge headache for Rockstar to have their game re-rated as AO (Adults Only) because a piece of content that they cut out of their game was made accessible due to modding tools. It cost them a lot of money to reship a patched version of the game. If you think that they recouped the cost in the boost of sales of people hoping to get a glimpse of polygonal boobs you’re in crazy town.

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yo sony shouldn’t be drawing naked pictures of mr. lahey’s daughter. don’t tell ricky.

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I’m not saying that Sony deliberately set this up to get the word out that Ellen Page has not one but two shower scenes in their much-promoted new game, but they couldn’t have milked it much better if they had. Is all I’m saying.

I am now utterly convinced 3d animation porn is never going to cut it.

I wouldn’t be so sure. while not porn, this video shows how far we’ve come to “humanizing” these kinds of characters. Kara:
I didn’t want her to be disassembled and felt a stress response when watching the video, obviously this isn’t reality, but it did trigger an emotional response in me.

Think back to atari pitfall where the character looked like this (Pitfall 1982):

and today they look like this (Assassins Creed 4 2013):

Now zoom ahead another 30 years and imagine with the exponential curve this technology has been following a greater then a thousand fold increase in quality and realism and tell me that 3d animation and game characters will never cut it. We are rapidly approaching the tipping point where the reality of how we model things can be so close to real that people cannot tell the difference.

the uncanny valley theory has largely been disproven, it seemed like a cute believable theory when it was first proposed, but most studies on the subject shows the opposite to be true, hit a certain “close enough” point and the mind actually leaps to fill in detail and believability. it wants to match the patterns and actually does this all the time with our field of vision every moment of every day. turns out that our brains are filling in way more then most people realize and the same neuro-mechanisms bridge the gap with any psudo reality as soon as it gets close enough to trigger that response. That tipping point isn’t that many years away, imho.

just a thought and counter perspective.


I will, however, remind folks of the time hackers discovered that a bit of interpolation software did a surprisingly good job of guessing at what was under a Sports Illustrated model’s netting-style swimsuit.

My reaction still remains that these tricks are roughly equivalent to the discovery by 1940’s teens that tracing over a newspaper underwear ad produced a decent approximation of a sketch of a nude. It’s still just a sketch. If that’s what you’d like to leer at, I don’t think it’s actually doing anyone any harm.

Besides, if you really want feelthy animations, they ain’t hard to find.

Cute hack, but in the end pretty meaningless except for thumbing one’s nose at (and generating advertising buzz for) Sony.

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Tell that to the makers of 3D Sexvilla,’s similar 3D sim and all the Japanese ero games.

FWIW these don’t do it for me either, but clearly there is a market for it.