[quote=“Dioptase1, post:19, topic:60542”]
this could be a win for social conservatives … If conservatives would STFU and focus on their core values[/quote]Frankly, I think their current, core “values” are ignorance, fear and hatred. Also, social conservatives aren’t known to STFU about anything that triggers their ignorance, fear and hatred.
However, I do hope that things like this SCOTUS ruling helps to further speed the dying off of that backwards, stunted mentality.
OTOH, I find the idea gross and disgusting…which is why I intend to not do it…I really don’t see any reason why my dislike would make me want to ban it for others…I don’t want to ban brussel sprouts either…
Across the country, tens of thousands of mothers and aunts suddenly sit upright, turn off Fox News, look thoughtful and think “Well you know, I like planning weddings.”
Just wish the affordable health care part was true. However, at least the ACA was a step up from where we were and a defeat for the Republicans that wanted to keep the draconian status quo even more rigidly in place.
Hopefully grassroots people will continue to contribute, support and stand by Bernie Sanders after he’s elected. Then we’ll finally see someone actually fight for a true single payer system instead of something like Obama/RomneyCare.
[quote=“FFabian, post:34, topic:60542”]I’ll explain in for an idiot like you … Gay marriage was a thing before the US SCOTUS ruling. Just not in the USA. That was what I meant with “navel gazing”.
Ok, thank you for clearing that all up for us, Debbie.