How the entire internet is reacting to SCOTUS gay marriage ruling (and it's beautiful)

That’s far and away not the anywhere near the point being made by marriage equaliy. the point is that we live in a secular country, and as such, someone’s belief in god and what god thinks is the proper way to live, should not impinge upon the legal rights of others. Just like you, I’m sure, would not like others to decide for you what is moral and correct, others would simply like the same.

As to your point about being loving… sure on that count. But it’s not the assholes denying others the right to exist in happiness and dignity.

I am not gonna even touch the other excellent points you made. But this should be the trump (snicker) card.

It is only a violation of faith if the person is of that faith.

(I’ll get into tax law and all that later, it muddies the message).


Oh, @Mindysan33, I forgot to mention. Since I am devote FSM faithful, I kinda need you to dress as a Pirate. Like now.

I am not disrespecting other religions. But if they don’t dress as pirates… They are disrespecting me.

(No really, Pirate time)


Santorum earned Savage’s definition fair and square.


I got to wait 11 hours before I can like!!!

The ruling says gay people are now free to marry. I rejectt the claim that people who disagree are kind and loving. And please come down off that “Christians are the real victims here!” cross. We could use the wood.


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