Originally published at: How The Whole Earth Catalog influenced Japanese magazine design | Boing Boing
It might be hard to understand now but when it first appeared, the Whole Earth Catalog was massively influential. It was a perfect combination of insightful and creative content/writing/layout/products selection and philosophy: DIY, ecologically sound, hopeful, approachable solutions. All of it wrapped in West Coast 60s culture with an emphasis on actually getting things done right.
It’s fascinating how design concepts ripple back and forth across the world like waves - even if what formed along the way this time seems like a version of the crappy computer magazines that were 80% ads that you used to get for less than a quid
I’ve always thought of it as pre-internet internet.
What I mean is it was a repository of sort of esoteric specialist knowledge.
And by internet I mean what the internet aspired to be before all the incels and nazis and shit, obviously.
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