How To Be At War Forever

Yes, The KLA was oddly classed as a terrorist organisation by the USA, at the same time as the USA was bombing Serbia (and Bulgaria) in support of the KLA. But of course, we have always been at war with Eurasia.

I don’t think that bombs falling on Belgrade saved lives in Kosovo. There was an upsurge in violence when the bombing started, which only subsided when troops went in. The idea of winning a war entirely from the air has always been very popular with military planners, but it never seems to work out as planned.

Also, without the unilateral military action from NATO, we also would have avoided almost starting world war three. Again.

Also, the alternative to unilaterally bombing another country wasn’t “Do nothing”. What I would have like would have been a repeat of what should have happened in Bosnia, A UN peacekeeping mission with proper support and backup that could have enforced a ceasefire.

I really don’t think that there was case to take sides in a conflict between Serbian ultra-nationalism in reach of a greater Serbia, and Albanian ultra-nationalism in search of a greater Albania, Unless of course we count peace and the civilian population as a “side”.