Far be it from me to defend Putin[1], but he can’t be what is described in the media. See, I can buy that he is a ruthless man who won’t stop at anything to push his agenda for a New Russian Century. Fine. But then his actions[2] have to make sense.
So, he hacked the DNC servers, did he? Cui bono? I mean being this competent ruthless sort presumably he has some statisticians on his payroll who can tell him that Hillary Clinton can eat a live baby on MSNBC and Trump will still lose. So, why risk confrontation with America, then?
See, Putin who deals in realpolitik and has a distinct lack of scruples[3], yeah, that sounds about right. Putin as a Bond villain who just hates the 'States and schemes nightly of fresh ways to kill bald eagles and put polonium in mom’s apple pie… I ain’t buying it. There’s no actual evidence as to the origin of the DNC hack (Unlike the Equation Group hack), and there’s precious little to be gained by it. So, what, Putin ordered it for the lulz? Because of that old inscrutable Slavic sense of humor?
[1] Mind you, yes, he kills people with polonium, while of course, he should have done the civilized thing and sent a drone to bomb an unrelated cafe, killing dozens, and then turn 'round and bomb the right cafe, while racking up a few more collateral deaths. Choosing between America and Russia is a bit of a Sophie’s choice these days.
[2] Well. The actions of the government he’s affiliated with, rather. As much as it is popular to claim so, he’s not in fact a dictator. He’s a popular president with broad political support. But fine, let’s use Vladimir Putin as a metonym for the whole of Russia, why not. It’s not like decisions aren’t made by Medvedev, say, or Lavrov, or the whole of the Duma.
[3] Which, incidentally, is how America acts all the time. Messing with national elections is basically the job description of the State Department. I am pleased that so many Americans join me in hating this imperial attitude and disrespect for Westphalian notions of sovereignty and international law. One can only hope that this will be reflected in these elections.