Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/23/how-to-calculate-the-power-of-a-black-hole-collision.html
Just a matter of time until someone manage to turn it into a bomb.
Many fond memories of Cygnus X - full moon in the desert hard trance blaring off the mountains various chemicals and love flowing thru the clouds of dust and dirt…wait what we’re we talking about?
I see what you did there!
I’d love to see a timeline for this! How slow the wandering is and how fast the “holy shit I’m being sucked into that black hole” is. Perhaps in a kinda Bugs bunny way where the Black Hole shows an impression of the star with arms outstretched and legs akimbo.
Too bad that illustration doesnt take into account all the weird optical artifacts that occur at the event horizon, no, two intersecting event horizons!
Eg, more like this:
(uh, without the lightyear-long, gravity-independent text annotations)
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