How to make an origami dollar bill guitar

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Well I’ve been wondering how to do that.


I liked it last time, and dammit I’ll like it again.


I have photo instructions on how to turn a dollar into a “buck” - get it?? :slight_smile:

The original instructions are from the 1995 Origami USA collection of member models. It was meant to be folded from a Canadian dollar (which is the same dimensions as a US dollar, so said the instructions. :slight_smile: ) I’ve made some changes to the steps to make it easier to fold.

This is an ADVANCED model and took me 2 hours to fold the first time! I can fold it in 8 minutes now and have folded countless ones, so give it a try! Just…brace yourself.

It’s my favorite model of all time - dollar folds being my favorite genre.

And no I still haven’t diagrammed nor photographed the sleigh I came up with. If there’s an outcry, then maybe I’ll try to remember how I made it - in time for Xmas! A sleigh and 9 reindeer make a nice $10 gift or ornament. :slight_smile:

For other guitar and origami enthusiasts, be sure to check out Robert Lang’s orgami guitarist - it plays the guitar!! (Just not very well.) I had the pleasure of folding one for Pete Seeger at a concert before he died.

And other dollar folds for insane origami freaks, check out Won Park’s models and book, including the mind-blowing dollar Koi! I have not succeeded in folding that yet…yikes! Amazing!!


The Canadian dollar bill was discontinued in 1989.

I don’t know how you’d fold a buck from the replacement:


step one:


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