How to open a SentrySafe with a coat hanger


Part of what you’re seeing is that most of his intended audience is the locksport community and professionals in related fields. He also does bypass and destructive testing and gives caveats like “This requires specialized knowledge and tools” or “This will not stop a curious adolescent from getting at your gun.”

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And I am sure he laughs at them. He is, after all, the Lock Picking Lawyer. Quite a few modify their products based on the free testing people like him provide.


And many of them don’t give a crap and keep selling their insecure junk as-is.

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Them and jewelers, though I grant you will find more per-capita of the former in the US.

Um, and where do you get a wire coat hanger these days?


He addresses this in the video when he laments people failing to mount their safes properly.

The whole unit is grab-n-go and the robbers can worry about how to open it later.


Sad but true.

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Looks like one would be better off just hiding stuff in unlikely locations, such as behind pop-out wall moulding… or even go with ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky’s revelation of how Mossad field agents create a hiding spot in hotels and safe houses; involves gouging out a pocket along the top of a door by using a suitable carpenter’s tool.

My fire box is intended to specifically keep fire out, not miscreants. I leave the key in it so that said miscreants aren’t tempted to break it and find that it has nothing of value to anyone who isn’t me.

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