How to permanently delete your Facebook account

It’s nice to have a modicum of contact with friends and family members that I never would have kept in touch with otherwise. I would need to get a few aunts and uncles to adopt some other alternative to facebook before I would delete my account.

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I would probably sign up for a Facebook alternative where you’re only allowed to post once a week.

Make it count, cuz! Are you sure you want to repost that quiz?

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That’s called snail mail


Say what? Snails can’t even read.


That you know of…


Maybe not but they do enjoy eating mail. At least they did at my last apartment. Which was fine by me since it’s always junk. Chow down, little buddies!


But how else will I temporarily sustain the illusion that my life is something other than a lonely existential wasteland?


This is why I’ve (finally) deactivated my account, but haven’t deleted it. I figure, that way, the FB account about me is (FWIW) the one that I created myself.

@RickMycroft, every once in a while I’ll get a confirmation-type email (e.g. from Twitter, but also once from the IRS) at a seldom-used Gmail account. I guess there’s really no telling what may be out there that I don’t know about but I do check the Spam folders once in a while.

That’s what kept me around for so long. I still feel that way, but not as much as I did before this week. Or before 2016.

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I do use FB consistently, pretty much every day but i mainly directly chat with a handful of people. I don’t post or repost much, seldom put up pics, etc. I ignore a lot of the apps and new features/options FB rolls out and immediately turn off any sharing or data collection if i’m allowed to do so. I’m sure they have been able to gather information on me but i use the platform on my terms and minimally use what they have to offer.

Also the alternatives are worse in my opinion for staying current with my friends and family. I guarantee you i’m not using Twitter. Not sure what else there is… Myspace?

That’s why I stayed with Facebook for so long, despite hating it with every fiber of my being.

In my case at least, that contact really didn’t draw us any closer to each other or even maintain more than the illusion of it. Yes, I read their posts (or some of them) and they may have read mine, but we didn’t actually communicate with each other. At best we were sending form letters out into the void.

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I wouldn’t mind seeing this post reappear every couple weeks. Just a nice way for BB to say “we care about you.” :kissing_heart:


By posting on Boing Boing…
Or does that just confirm the lonely existential wasteland?


Now, I’d like someone to post instructions for permanently deleting my UPS account. They seem to have made it as hard as possible, and won’t even respond when I direct the question to their customer service people.

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I would prefer someone to give me easy instructions on how to stop ads/spam from being sent to my physical mailbox

Booze. Or drugs. Or both.
Stay safe though - do not join the NRA.

There is an English version.
It’s where your data will end up anyway, so why not cut the middleman?


All that does is delete your access to the account, they still have the data.

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Set April 1st as my exit date.
Thanks for the help Mark. Sharing this link to FaceBook!