I don’t know perl from mindfuck, but I wrote a python script to download a book from Project Gutenberg and then do the same analysis:
from urllib import request
from nltk import word_tokenize
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2
from tabulate import tabulate
# get book from Project Gutenberg
url = "http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2554/2554-0.txt" # Crime and Punishment
#url = "https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1342/1342-0.txt" # Pride and Prejudice
#url = "https://www.gutenberg.org/files/84/84-0.txt" # Frankenstein
#url = "https://www.gutenberg.org/files/98/98-0.txt" # A Tale of Two Cities
response = request.urlopen(url)
raw = response.read().decode('utf-8-sig')
tokens = word_tokenize(raw)
# filter out non-alpha characters and make all lowercase
filt_words = [w.lower() for w in tokens if w.isalpha()]
# filter out all words length 2 or less
filt_words = [w for w in filt_words if len(w)>2]
mod9List = []
mod6List = []
for I in range(len(filt_words)):
#for I in range(1000):
word = filt_words[I]
sum = 0
for J in range(len(word)):
sum = sum + ord(word[J])-96
if np.mod(sum,9)<6: # only keep 0-5
# convert to np arrays
mod9List = np.array(mod9List)
mod6List = np.array(mod6List)
## calculate chi-squared for each list
# total number of numbers in each list
N9 = len(mod9List)
N6 = len(mod6List)
# make similar array using numpy.random.randit
randArray = np.random.randint(0,6,N6)
# expected number of rolls for each number if perfectly fair and random
expect9 = N9/6
expect6 = N6/6
# count actual number of times each number appears
mod9Num = np.zeros(6)
mod6Num = np.zeros(6)
randNum = np.zeros(6)
for I in range(6):
mod9Num[I] = np.count_nonzero(mod9List==I)
mod6Num[I] = np.count_nonzero(mod6List==I)
randNum[I] = np.count_nonzero(randArray==I)
# sum of squares of [difference between actual and ideal] divided by ideal
SSE6 = np.sum(np.square(mod6Num-expect6)/expect6)
SSE9 = np.sum(np.square(mod9Num-expect9)/expect9)
SSErand = np.sum(np.square(randNum-expect6)/expect6)
SSE = [SSE6,SSE9,SSErand]
methodName = ['mod(N,6) method','mod(N,9) method','rand function']
# calculate confidence critical value
confLim = 0.9999
confVal = chi2.ppf(confLim,5)
# print results to screen as table
arr1 = [methodName[0]]
arr2 = [methodName[1]]
arr3 = [methodName[2]]
tableDat = [arr1,arr2,arr3]
print('Book has {:d} words'.format(len(filt_words)))
print(tabulate(tableDat, headers = ['method',1,2,3,4,5,6]))
for I in range(len(SSE)):
print('Normalized sum of squared error (SSE) for {} = {:5g}'.format(methodName[I],SSE[I]))
print('Critical value of chi-squared distribution for 99.99% confidence level = {:5g}'.format(confVal))
for I in range(len(SSE)):
if SSE[I]>confVal:
printstr = '{} SSE is greater than critical value, {:5g}% confidence level that numbers are not distributed randomly'
The thing is, I end up with wildly non-random distributions. For Crime and Punishment:
method 1 2 3 4 5 6
--------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
mod(N,6) method 24500 43816 23020 29030 23315 15064
mod(N,9) method 15804 20820 14081 14960 19924 12867
rand function 26610 26573 26465 26457 26359 26281
With the following chi-squared analysis:
Normalized sum of squared error (SSE) for mod(N,6) method = 17510
Normalized sum of squared error (SSE) for mod(N,9) method = 3183.74
Normalized sum of squared error (SSE) for rand function = 2.92951
Critical value of chi-squared distribution for 99.99% confidence level = 25.7448
mod(N,6) method SSE is greater than critical value, 99.99% confidence level that numbers are not distributed randomly
mod(N,9) method SSE is greater than critical value, 99.99% confidence level that numbers are not distributed randomly
rand function SSE is less than critical value, 99.99% confidence level that numbers are distributed randomly
Both are horrible compared to just using the rand() function, though the mod(N,6) method is even worse than the mod(N,9) method. I got similar results from Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, and A Tale of Two Cities.
I wonder if I did something wrong with my calculation method? I ran the chi-squared test on your numbers, and both the %6 and %9 methods passed the test quite well, with sum squared errors of 6.5 and 2.4 respectively. That’s within range of using the rand() function, which usually gives values between 2 to 6.
Anyway, since I really went overkill on this, I uploaded it to github here if anyone is interested in tinkering with it.