How to stop procrastinating using behavior model by Stanford's B.J. Fogg

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I’ll read this later.


the reason we procrastinate is that we are having a problem with one or more of these

OK, not the right method for ADHD then. I’ll have to stick to caffeine for now :frowning:


That’s just too much effort.


Not to be confused with M.J. Frog,



Yeah, ADHD can certainly be a factor in problematic procrastination but there’s both procrastination without ADHD and ADHD without procrastination, so not all of these methods will help if that’s actually the underlying problem. I’m currently in counseling for procrastination (the uni I work at fortunately has a clinical psychology research group that specialises in procrastination), and the first thing they do before planning your counseling is screen for ADHD and depressive symptoms. But there’s definitely help out there! However because health care systems are so very different between countries (I’m in Germany) I’m not sure I can’t point you to anything specific…


I’ll always be suspicious of people who name very basic models after themselves. It’s not as if there weren’t decades of research on any of the concepts he’s using (ability, motivation, behaviour triggers)…

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If you practice in Berlin we should talk :wink:

So…having rtfm, if there is no longer any emotional reason to invest in anything, because you’ve seen all your previous efforts shat upon and turned against you, then his model fails? Because as far as I can tell, unless you are of a social and economic class to be a Stanford student or academic, the rest of us have no way to invest ourselves emotionally into any sort of beneficent future, only to endure the grinding maleficence of the entitled against vain dreams of equality and upward mobility. Or maybe I’m bitter.

Hehe, I realised my last post was misleading: by “I’m currently in counselling for procrastination” I meant “I currently receive counselling” not that I’m giving it. I am indeed a psychologist myself, but not a therapist.
I did find that the Free University in Berlin has a service that is very similar to what my university has: It is however aimed mainly at students and I’m unsure whether that applies to you. But I’m sure they have contacts and could give you pointers for other places that could help.
In contrast to ADHD, serious procrastination is not yet a diagnosis in the ICD or DSM manuals, so therapists have no means of billing counselling via the regular health care channels. Psychology departments at universities often have their own outpatients’ and can offer services to students and employees free of charge (which I am benefiting from) but what the best way for you to get help would be of course depends on your specific situation.
I am unsure whether I read your comment in the right way but if you suffer from procrastination and its consequences I would definitely encourage you to try to find some support. For me personally, just the knowledge of having done something, anything to get out of that black hole of shame around non-work has helped immensely and done wonders for my self-esteem.

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I’m on BJ Fogg’s teaching team, and there are better and simpler ways to use the FBM for reducing procrastination. One important thing to note is that making it more emotionally compelling Is not a top strategy. Yes, the FBM is super helpful. BJ’s book, Tiny Habits, explains some great tips - like starter steps, perception of difficulty, and the three minute power session with a celebration at the end. Check out the book.

Ah, thank you for clarifying. It is fascinating that they even use the word (Procrastination) When I tried to get help in the Zürich area some years ago and named it doctors looked really bewildered and had to ask what I meant. I clarified “Verschieberitis” for lack of a better term. But all that said. Back than I did not get a ADHD diagnosis, but medication and it really helped me. Later on learning more about ADHD i’m 100% sure that I suffer from it and not some procrastination as some side effect of a different condition.

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