How to use iOS 15 to steal your classmate's notes

Originally published at: How to use iOS 15 to steal your classmate's notes | Boing Boing

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Kids always find ingenious workarounds to subvert the draconian ways adults try to keep them compliant and I adore it. Note taking seems to be the least harmful version of this possible. They’ll still have to study them to be worthwhile, but I imagine the narrative around this is going to be panicked outrage and parents demanding that Apple disable the feature.

A fairly recent example:


Just ask for the notes? :thinking:


Yeah, right? When I was at university, we shared notes all the damn time!


Another similar one- No sure if kids still do this, but the “hottest chat app” for a while was random blog comment sections. They would find any random schmo’s blog that had an open comments section with no traffic, share the link around and that would be the chat hub for the week. The school’s site filters would not block random blogs like that, the way they will with major services. Pretty clever.

When I was in junior high, we did the 1980s version of the google docs thing. This was pre-Internet, but the school decided one year to issue standard agenda books to everyone. Little spiral bound books with calendars, places to make to-do lists, that sort of thing. They were actually quite nice and it was a lovely idea to help kids learn to organize. The district must have made a deal with a local print shop. So of course, they became our note-passing secret conversation medium. There was nothing overtly suspicious about kids passing these standard-issue agenda books to each other in class, so teachers didn’t bother us and we chatted that way all year long. I think the school cancelled them the following year when it was clear kids weren’t using them for their intended purpose. Part of me wishes I still had that book from that year. It would be an interesting (and likely very embarrassing) record of our time there.


copying using copy of Google Lens, lol

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Depends on who’s in the class. I had a professor have to alter how homework was handed in because the med students would destroy homework of others to effect the curve.

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Yeah, i love stuff like this. I first heard about it from Cory, a couple of teens conversing through some random guy’s fishing blog. It’s exactly the sort of plot point you’d expect to find in Little Brother. Or another one being ring tones in frequencies outside of adult hearing.


Or, and I’m kind of, no. I’m not going to reveal the search term that my daughter’s friends append to a musical title which copyright filters seem to use as a stop term and don’t block / have takedown notices on.

But given that I’m supposed to be professionally into that kind of stuff I. Love. The. Kids!


That sounds more like a systemic problem, yikes.

I’ve always found other people’s notes to be pretty useless, since everybody kind of uses their own shortwrite and it’s all mutually indecipherable even when it’s typed out. Still, if you want to use somebody else’s couldn’t you just ask for them?

Also, why the random low bitrate Enya as a soundtrack for this video?

If you don’t want to risk a criminal record, you could just pretend to steal by making a fist and putting the tip of your thumb between your first two fingers, then waggling it in front of their face while announcing your fake crime.

ETA: oh notes. Disregard.

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